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War on Leaks Programme Status Update
Presented by: Name : DKP Sechemane Date : 28th March, 2018 PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date
Contents Rand Water Roles and Responsibilities
Rand Water Appointed Service Providers Trainee Recruitment and Headcount Trainee Placement Status Update PPE Status WOL Trainee Contracts Status WOL Programme Finance WOL Programme Challenges Recommendations
Rand Water Roles and Responsibilities
Trainee recruitment and selection Provision of trainee PPE Stakeholder engagement Trainee Payroll management and monthly stipend payment Ensure placement of learners at work sites for work-place training Programme monitoring and evaluation Reporting and feedback to all stakeholders, DWS and relevant structures
Rand Water Appointed Service Providers
Contractor Objective Duration Agreements in place & signed VOX Telecom Limited Call Centre 2015 until 2020 Yes SAGE VIP - Payment of Trainee stipend EOH Trainee recruitment (Phase 2) May 2016 – July 2016 Khula Nonke Training and Development Placement of Phase 1 (Artisans) and Phase 2 (Water Agents and Artisans) 2017 until 2020 Entsika Consulting Phase 2 (Water Agents and Artisans) Ebony & Ivory Consulting INOXA Personal Protective Equipment 2016 until 2018 June
WOL Trainee Headcount (National)
Phase 1: 3000 Total Recruited (2015): Total Headcount Feb Artisans : Water Agents : Phase 2: 7000 Total Recruited (2016): Total Headcount Feb Artisans : Water Agents : Phase 3: 5000 To be rolled out in 2018/2019 by Mhlathuze Water as per DWS Minister Directive: Reference 7/3/2 RW TOTAL WOL TRAINEE HEADCOUNT (NATIONAL) TOTAL RECRUITED = 10366 TOTAL HEADCOUNT (AS AT FEBRUARY 2018) = 9437 Attrition Rationale Other Job Offers Personal Reasons Medical Reasons Stipend Too Little No Longer Interested Relocating Death Males Females 1011 Attrition 336 Males Females 3851 Attrition 593
WOL Trainee Headcount Per Discipline - Phase 1 (February 2018)
Province Electrical Fitter and Turner Instrumentation Welder Plumber Water Agent Total Eastern Cape 27 14 3 2 154 227 Free State 67 6 9 33 66 208 Gauteng 355 148 41 53 251 881 KwaZulu Natal 92 28 7 63 124 347 Limpopo 95 40 8 15 64 225 Mpumalanga 80 110 393 North West 22 46 Northern Cape 13 4 1 20 38 Western Cape 19 5 78 Inactive 21 11 120 TOTAL 859 364 133 65 215 927 2563
WOL Trainee Headcount Per Discipline - Phase 2 (February 2018)
Province Electrical Fitter and Turner Instrumentation Welder Plumber Water Agent Total Eastern Cape 175 53 13 111 440 805 Free State 98 33 7 631 815 Gauteng 144 96 50 34 30 214 568 KwaZulu Natal 304 59 21 27 211 426 1048 Limpopo 233 91 36 18 76 405 859 Mpumalanga 107 80 25 15 88 664 979 North West 89 54 24 51 692 Northern Cape 163 81 26 41 297 635 Western Cape 8 11 2 6 433 473 TOTAL 1321 558 221 170 654 3950 6874
Trainee Placement The WOL Phase 1 and Phase 2 trainees are placed at both public and private host organisations within each province, with a view to acquire their workplace training, in order to be qualified as water agents and artisans It must be noted that some of the Phase 1 trainee placements were delayed due to political reasons as well as Lack of accredited workplaces to host learners for workplace experiential training Therefore, it will be required that the contracts of the impacted trainees be extended
Trainee Placement Enablement
Rand Water appointed the following placement service provider to capacitate the placement of WOL Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 trainees Kwazulu Natal, Western Cape Eastern Cape Khula Nonke Training and Development (Coastal Region) Limpopo Mpumalanga Gauteng Entsika Consulting (Inland Region) Free State North West Northern Cape Ebony & Ivory (Central Region)
Placement Update (Artisans) – Phase 1
PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED Eastern Cape 68 57 11 84% Free State 105 100 5 95% Gauteng 747 499 248 67% KwaZulu-Natal 226 199 27 88% Limpopo 202 169 33 Mpumalanga 222 176 46 79% North West 44 75% Northern Cape 22 18 4 82% Western Cape 34 30 TOTAL 1670 1281 389 77% As at January 2018
Placement Update (Water Agents) - Phase 2
COASTAL REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED KwaZulu-Natal 416 297 119 71% Eastern Cape 432 97 335 22% Western Cape 522 426 96 82% Total 1370 820 550 60% CENTRAL REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED Gauteng 201 166 35 83% Limpopo 394 100% Mpumalanga 674 664 10 99% Total 1269 1224 45 96% INLAND REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED Free State 617 100% North West 448 436 12 97% Northern Cape 295 Total 1360 1348 99% As at January 2018
Placement Update (Artisans) - Phase 2
COASTAL REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED KwaZulu-Natal 644 347 297 54% Eastern Cape 302 170 132 56% Western Cape 34 27 7 79% Total 980 544 436 CENTRAL REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED Gauteng 331 127 204 62% Limpopo 426 264 162 38% Mpumalanga 302 194 108 36% Total 1059 585 474 55% INLAND REGION PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED VARIANCE % PLACED Free State 179 123 56 69% North West 207 118 89 57% Northern Cape 267 158 109 59% Total 653 399 254 61% As at January 2018
WOL Placement Status Update As at January 2018 NATIONAL PROGRESS UPDATE: WATER AGENTS (PHASE 1) PROVINCE TARGET (PLACEABLE) PLACED % PLACED VARIANCE VARIANCE % Eastern Cape 163 100% 0% Free State 74 73 99% 1 1% Gauteng 238 243 102% -5 -2% KwaZulu-Natal 133 108 81 % 25 19% Limpopo 72 Mpumalanga 113 110 97% 3 3% North West 22 18 82% 4 18% Northern Cape 122% -4 -22% Western Cape 77 TOTAL 910 886 24
WOL Placement Status Update
As at January 2018 Water Agents (Phase 1)
WOL Placement Status Update As at January 2018 NATIONAL PROGRESS UPDATE ARTISANS (PHASE 1) Province Target (Placeable) Placed % Placed Variance Variance % Eastern Cape 68 57 84% 11 16% Free State 105 100 95% 5 5% Gauteng 747 499 67% 248 33% KwaZulu-Natal 226 199 88% 27 12% Limpopo 202 169 33 Mpumalanga 222 176 79% 46 21% North West 44 75% 25% Northern Cape 22 18 82% 4 18% Western Cape 34 30 TOTAL 1670 1281 77% 389 23%
WOL Placement Status Update
As at January 2018 Artisans (Phase 1)
WOL Placement Status Update As at January 2018 NATIONAL PROGRESS UPDATE WATER AGENTS (PHASE 2) Province Target (Placeable) Placed % Placed Variance Variance % KwaZulu-Natal 416 297 71% 119 29% Eastern Cape 432 97 22% 335 78% Western Cape 522 426 82% 96 18% Gauteng 201 166 83% 35 17% Limpopo 394 100% 0% Mpumalanga 674 664 99% 10 1% Free State 617 North West 448 436 97% 12 3% Northern Cape 295 TOTAL 3999 3392 85% 607 15%
WOL Placement Status Update
As at January 2018 Water Agents (Phase 2)
WOL Placement Status Update As at January 2018 NATIONAL PROGRESS UPDATE ARTISANS (PHASE 2) Province Target (Placeable) Placed % Placed Variance Variance % KwaZulu-Natal 644 347 54% 297 46% Eastern Cape 302 170 56% 132 44% Western Cape 34 27 79% 7 21% Gauteng 331 127 38% 204 62% Limpopo 426 264 162 Mpumalanga 194 64% 108 36% Free State 179 123 69% 56 31% North West 207 118 57% 89 43% Northern Cape 267 158 59% 109 41% TOTAL 2692 1528 1164
Phase Start Date End Date Actual Recruited Phase 1 (3000 intake) Sept 2015 Aug 2018 2 899 Phase 2 (7000 intake) Aug 2016 Dec 2019 7 467 Phase 3 (5000 intake) 2018/2019 TOTAL 10 366
Programme Finance
Challenges Challenge Mitigation
The time given to implement Phase 1 was too short - given four (4) weeks to kick off Proper planning and timeframes are pre-requisites for national projects. The program budget is currently overspent. This is attributed to the outstanding payment from DWS since November 2017. NOTE: Rand Water has been bridge financing the programme from October 2017 up to and including February 2018 It must be noted that the outstanding payment has negatively impacted the continued delivery of the programme. This includes but not limited to Monthly trainee stipend payments PPE Distribution Trainee monitoring and evaluation across the various provinces WOL trainee database reconciliation per province Planned stakeholder engagements as well as the continued participation in the various national and provincial Escalated the matter to DWS. Some of the programme activities have been put on hold until payment has been received from DWS
Challenges Challenge Mitigation
There is a growing trend of queries pertaining to trade test enquiries. Trainees are unsure of what is required to apply for a trade test as well as who to contact. The WOL Contact Center has been sensitised on the trade test preparation process and are therefore equipped to advise the trainees. A formal communication will be distributed to all trainees educating them on what is required to apply for a trade test and who to contact. The WOL Regional coordinators and the appointed placement service providers are currently being equipped in order to support the trainees accordingly. There is an increasing trend for PPE requested from trainees placed at various placement sites. Supervisors will not permit trainees to work on placement sites without adequate PPE It must be noted that the current PPE stock is not adequate to meet all the required PPE distribution to the trainees nationally The PPE distribution plan is currently underway. However this will not address all the PPE distribution requirements until the outstanding programme funds are availed by DWS.
Challenges Challenge Mitigation
Limited receipt of trainee attendance registers from skills training providers in order for Rand Water to fully account for WOL Payroll Stakeholders to provide time and attendance reports for each month as part of reconciling stipends paid to date to trainees Delayed finalization of the revised WOL trainee contract review which has resulted in the delayed engagement with the trainees (on the revised contract by 30 September 2017 A meeting to discuss the Legislative and Compliance Requirements relevant to the WOL Trainee contract was convened between Rand Water and DWS legal departments on the 24th November However, a deadlock was reached in resolving the matter. Rand Water is currently concluding a legal response, which will elaborate Rand Water’s position regarding the trainee employment ownership. This response will then be submitted to the DWS Director General’s office
Challenges Challenge Mitigation
Effective monitoring and evaluation of the project. Intervention in place to ensure the required training reports and closeout reports to Rand Water on time. The trainee time and attendance registers are received late and whenever these are received, not all the required attendance registers are received, from the training providers. It is upon this that WOL cannot fully account for the WOL trainee time and attendance on the Payroll system timorously. Stakeholders to provide time and attendance reports for each month as part of reconciling stipends paid to date to trainees Local Municipalities were not keen to take administrative responsibility for trainees at placement. The second intake (Phase 2) was recruited in collaboration with the Provinces. MOUs for the uptake of artisans have been prepared but most municipalities have not signed There has been ill discipline among the trainees which was due to a lack of understanding of their contractual obligations. A written communique addressing all queries raised by the trainees was sent to all the trainees and training institutions. Some of the municipalities with high water losses do not have the qualified artisans who could mentor the learner trainees. DWS is coming up with a strategy of seconding some of it’s trained artisans to these municipalities so that they could mentor the learners.
It is recommended that:
Consistency with regards to the payment of programme funds is maintained timorously. COGTA to intervene to assist with ground work (enable placement) at municipalities What is the way forward regarding the Phase 3 implementation.
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