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Do Now Explain the purpose of rods and cones?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Explain the purpose of rods and cones?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Explain the purpose of rods and cones?
Are there any parts of the eye that confuse you? (like the function of each part)

2 Unit 4: Sensation & Perception


4 The Retina’s Reaction to Light

5 The Retina’s Reaction to Light

6 The Retina’s Reaction to Light

7 The Retina’s Reaction to Light

8 The Retina’s Reaction to Light


10 Pathways from the eyes to the visual cortex

11 Feature Detectors David Hubel & Torsten Wiesel
Flip-It Video: Feature Detectors

12 Parallel Processing Parallel Processing
Processing many aspects of a problem simultaneously Natural mode of info processing This incudes vision

13 Entire Process

14 Color Vision 2 major theories help us understand color vision
Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory Retina has 3 color receptors Red, green, blue When stimulated & combine we get color vision Helps explain color blindness If you lack one of the color sensitive cones Opponent Processing Theory Certain colors turn off and on other colors Red-green, yellow-blue, white-black This is why the dress was white & gold or black & blue

15 Stare at this image.

16 This slide is intentionally left blank.

17 Today That was a lot of information
You will next look at Vision Perception No school on Monday!!... I work though… you’re welcome HW = Perceptual Organization (Due Tues 10/16)

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