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Lunar Eclipse: How do the Sun, Earth and moon align to create this common celestial phenomenon?

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar Eclipse: How do the Sun, Earth and moon align to create this common celestial phenomenon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Eclipse: How do the Sun, Earth and Moon align to create this more rare phenomenon?

2 Lunar Eclipse: How do the Sun, Earth and moon align to create this common celestial phenomenon?

3 Exit ticket: Summarize, illustrate, and label
What factors need to occur in order for an observer on Earth to experience an eclipse??

4 What are Tides? gravitational pull rise and fall of the ocean level
Because the moon is close to the earth, there are interactions between the earth and the moon. One visible interaction is the effect of the _________________ of the moon on the earth. This pull results in the __________________________ as the moon moves in its orbit around the earth. The rise and fall of the oceans are called _____________. gravitational pull rise and fall of the ocean level tides


6 The Moon’s Gravity Causes a change in our tidal levels throughout the day:

7 Special Tides Spring Tides Neap Tides


9 Write your answers on a piece of scrap paper…
Exit Ticket Write your answers on a piece of scrap paper… Predict and justify your answer: The phase of the moon observed from Earth Tidal cycle at point A S M E A

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