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Annual activity report and residual risk

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Presentation on theme: "Annual activity report and residual risk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual activity report and residual risk
DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG EMPL

2 Outline Assurance process ACR 2014 AAR 2014 – assurance / reservation
Error rate and cumulative risk

3 Assurance process

4 Assurance process

5 ACR 2014 Global overview All ACRs received except 2
Commission analysis: Increase of flat rates applied Recalculated error rates: 17 recalculated ER with a relatively low impact of +/-0,2% National Audit Error rates 2014 2013 Reliable, unchanged 73 61.8% 88.1% 65 55.6% 90.6% Reliable, recalculated 31 26.3% 41 35.0% Not reported or unreliable error rate 14 11.9% 11 9.4% 118 100.0% 117

6 ACR 2014 Global overview Fact Finding missions:
22 FF missions (ACR 2015 – 27 ff missions) covering 37 operational programmes (ACR 2015 – 42 O.P.s) representing 55.9% of 2014 payments (ACR 2015 – 54,7% of payments) In addition, taking into account some meetings with AAs, 1 audit mission end 2014 and 1 FF by DG REGIO: 44 OPs covered representing 75.5% of 2014 payments

7 ACR 2014 Global overview ACR 2014 average error rate (on 2014 payments): 2.8 % An increase of 0.9 % compared to 1.9 % that would have resulted by using the error rates as reported by the AAs, without any revision by DG EMPL. Applied to 2013 interim payments, the average error rate is 3.1 % In the range disclosed in the 2013 AAR (2.6 to 3.5 %) and consistent with the error rate of 3.1 % reported by the ECA.

8 Best estimate Error rates
ACR 2014 Error rates (after Commission analysis) Best estimate Error rates  Number of programmes 2014 interim payments <2% 68 57.6% 55.0% 2-5% 23 19.5% 19.8% 5-10% 16 13.6% 22.9% 21.8% 25.2% >10% 11 9.3% 3.4% 118 100.0%

9 Average error rate on ESF payments
ACR 2014 Comparison versus previous ACRs 2014 2013 2012 Error rate range 0 to 32,9 % 0 to 37,8 % 0 to 25,8 % ESF payments (M€) 9.926 12.645 10.711 Average error rate on ESF payments 2,8% 3,1% 3,0%

10 ACR 2014

11 AAR 2014 - reservations Same methodology as previous years
Error rate <2% - no reservation Error rate >=5% – reservation Error rate 2-5%: cumulative approach of risk exposure; if cumulative error rate >2%  reservation Reputational reservation: No payments 2014 but overall assessment of systems in categories 3 or 4 Partial reservation: categories 3 or 4 for a part(s) of the programme (specific IBs)

12 AAR 2014

13 AAR 2014 Implemented Financial Corrections on a cumulative basis:
in M€ Total end 2013 cumul end 2013 2014 cumul end 2014 Total end 2014 AT 1,6 1,5 0,0 3,4 5,0 BE 23,4 12,3 8,0 2,7 10,7 3,1 13,1 16,1 39,1 BG 2,6 0,3 2,9 CY CZ 41,1 9,2 50,3 DE 37,6 1,9 23,6 2,5 26,1 12,1 40,1 DK EE 0,8 ES 1064,3 180,2 734,4 99,0 833,4 149,7 1,7 151,3 1164,9 FI 0,1 FR 284,5 45,6 219,5 221,2 19,3 21,1 40,3 307,2 GR 67,3 18,8 20,3 48,5 0,5 49,0 69,2 HU 34,4 8,2 26,2 15,8 41,9 50,2 IE 34,2 28,3 2,4 18,9 21,3 53,1 IT 497,7 117,0 375,9 20,5 396,4 4,8 518,2 LT LU 6,0 4,1 1,8 LV 7,6 3,2 4,5 MT NL 203,4 159,7 43,8 PL 169,2 51,2 118,0 32,6 150,6 201,8 PT 6,5 6,3 0,2 RO 299,1 13,0 312,1 SE 11,9 11,4 11,5 0,4 12,0 SI 2,0 SK 12,9 1,0 11,0 5,9 16,8 19,7 UK 184,0 8,8 163,2 0,7 163,9 24,0 36,0 208,7 2992,1 559,7 1677,4 133,1 1810,5 755,0 155,9 910,9 3281,1

14 Error rate calculation
- National audit strategy describes sampling methodology; - Sampling methodology = statistical (except for small populations, min 10%) - Methodologies commonly used: Conservative MUS; Standard MUS; Difference estimation/Ratio estimation; Simple Random Sampling; - Guidance and training provided to Audit Authorities

15 Error rate calculation
- Assessment carried out by EMPL Audit; - Calculation of annual risk rate based on EMPL payments; - Verification of table on "withdrawals and recoveries" (Art /2006); - Verification of withdrawals & recoveries carried out in calendar year; - Calculation of residual risk for programming period.

16 Error rate calculation - reliability
2015 figures provisional

17 Experience sharing by the Commission
Residual Risk : implication for closure Experience sharing by the Commission

18 Definition of Residual Risk Rate (RRR)
Residual Risk Amount Expenditure declared at closure

19 Residual Risk Amount Amount at risk Corrections applied = = TPER
x exp. declared in ACR Corrections applied = W&R reported by CA and verified by AA

20 Financial corrections
Year Exp. in the ACR (A) TPER (D) Risk (E) Financial corrections (F) Residual risk amount (year) (G=E-F) Residual Risk, (cumulative) 2010 150 3 4,5 1,5 2011 200 2,5 5 7 -2 2012 180 2 3,6 1,6 300 4,1 Exp. in final claim 730 Residual Risk Rate = (residual risk)/(expenditure in final claim) 0,56 % ≠ ( … + 300) Homologues Group meeting

21 The Cumulative Residual Risk (CRR) estimated by the Commission
Experience sharing: The Cumulative Residual Risk (CRR) estimated by the Commission

22 Main concepts The CRR is an estimation (likely subject to adjustments); although based on (for a large part) statistically calculated error rates, the CRR itself is not calculated with statistical parameters It is an indicator of the corrective capacity of the management and control system as a whole throughout the lifetime of the programme (cumulative state of play while progressing towards closure) It is used as a criterion for additional reservations in the context of the DGs' Annual Activity Reports

23 Differences with the RRR
Timeframe AAR / reporting on withdrawals and recoveries + assurance on accuracy of data Yearly estimation, based on latest information available Risk of misstatement for last year by using the last available error rate (error rate of year N-1 to estimate the risk in year N) Risk estimated on the payments executed by EC, instead of expenditure declared Statistical limitations in some cases

24 AA opinion in the closure declaration
The Residual Risk Rate is a key element of the audit opinion to be provided by AA at closure According to the closure guidelines (sections 5.3 and 5.4), in order to obtain a non-qualified opinion corrective measures will have to ensure that the residual risk rate is below material level (2%) What if the residual risk rate at closure is above 2%?

25 AA opinion in the closure declaration
If the RRR at closure is above 2%, the AA can conclude that the management and control system failed to provide adequate assurance that the expenditure declared to the Commission is legal and regular. Therefore, in this situation, the Commission will apply a financial correction based on this residual error rate in accordance with the Commission decision C(2011) 7321

26 To summarise Remember that the RRR is only an estimation, to be used as an indicator of the corrective capacity of the management and control system Additional work should be envisaged at closure on the two elements of the RRR: Amount at risk: need to confirm representativeness of error rates reported + cleaning up of information on expenditure declared in the ACRs Corrections: need to ensure quality and reliability of data reported by CA

27 To summarise The AA is strongly recommended to consult the Commission in due time before the closure, in order to address all potential issues related to the error rates and the corrections to be taken into account For ERDF and CF, we start by providing you with an excel file with the: Error rates communicated in the ACRs, as validated by REGIO (flat rates in some cases) Expenditure declared, as from ACRs Withdrawals and recoveries reported by CA Proposed formulas N.B: this table should be seen as a tool to help AAs to estimate the RRR, not as a starting point for its calculation

28 Cumulative risk calculation

29 Cumulative risk calculation
Annual Activity Report 2014 Cumulative risk exposure

30 Questions?

31 Closure – DG EMPLaudit strategy proposal

32 Guidance documents Guidance issued to Member States
Presentations offered Closure discussed at "Homologues meeting" General presentation ESF TWG Luxemburg – December 2015

33 DG EMPL Risk Assessment
Criteria: Reliability of the Audit Authority; Absorbtion rate of the O.P.; Retrospection; Financial Instruments; Eligibility instructions to Beneficiaries (31/12/2015 deadline for payments) Unique sample and coverage; Others

34 Planning Enquiry Planning Memorandum "Preparation for closure" in draft stage; Audit planning Q3 and Q4 (Thematic) Reporting Q1 2017

35 Communication to AA Audit plan in draft
Presentation EMPL Board of Directors mid March Information to AA during Annual Coordination Meetings (April – June) Announcement of detailed audit planning in the framework of the audit missions.

36 Closure – ECA planning

37 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Two phase audit The 1st phase examines the design of closure The 2nd phase will focus on effective implementation of the closure Main audit question Is the closure of the Cohesion and Rural Development programmes designed to achieve its effective implementation? Areas the Court will be looking at: Regulatory framework as a basis for an effective closure Commission support to the Member States including feedback on Member States’ preparedness Procedures and resources at Commission level Resource requirements at Commission and Member State level Not yet planned

38 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Audit methodology and approach Review of regulatory framework, guidance, and procedures at the Commission and Member State level Assessment of Commission and Member States readiness to conduct closure Survey to Member States to receive feedback on Commission assistance including: Audit Authorities and Managing Authorities Paying Agencies and Certification Bodies Interviews / visits to selected Member States

39 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Timetable Audit work starts in September 2015 Survey will be carried out in October and November 2015 Interviews will be undertaken in the same period and shortly after Report should be published in second half of 2016

40 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Potential risks: The documents which should be provided by the Member State for the closure are not reliable and / or timely provided. This includes: The inherent conflict between complying with rules and absorbing EU funds might motivate Member State to submit unreliable closure documents to the Commission A risk that national checks which are the basis for the Audit Authority closure declaration might not have sufficient coverage and / or not be effective The closure might not be implemented by Member States in a way to ensure an efficient and timely closure process

41 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Potential risks (continued): The Commission internal procedures might not be implemented in a way to ensure an efficient and timely closure process The Commission guidance to the Member States may not be timely available or incomplete The Commission is not verifying that the assurance framework is reliable, thus accepting irregular expenditure at closure. This includes: Commission’s verifications and audit work not covering all remaining risks at closure Commission’s checks on how anomalous errors are determined and treated by the Member States

42 Ongoing performance audit of closure 2007-13
Potential risks (continued): The treatment of specific issues / situations occurring during the closure is inappropriate The flexibility to allow for maximum absorption of EU funds within the closure exercise, including: Transfer of funds between axes / priorities Final date of eligibility of expenditure Increases of co-financing rate

43 Thank you for your attention

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