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I am broken.

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Presentation on theme: "I am broken."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am broken

2 forgiveness

3 Like flipping a light switch in a dark room that allows power to flow through the wires and light to fill the room, forgiveness allows God’s grace to flow into a broken relationship and bring healing. Relational Healing

4 Destructive effects A natural progression Wrong→ Offense→ Hurt→ Anger→
Bitterness→ Destructive effects

5 What forgiveness is not
It is not forgetting. It is not overlooking or excusing the offense. It is not rationalizing or justifying the offense. It is not taking the blame.

6 How to forgive Face the Wrong. Feel the Pain. Confess our unforgiveness and judgement. Release the offender. Relinquish the final results.

7 The Process of forgiveness
It begins with an act of the will. It continues over time. It is complete when: I no longer view the offense as a debt. I no longer need to tell the story. It may reach a place of reconciliation with the offender.

8 A prayer of forgiveness
Lord, I recognize that You have totally forgiven me. You have commanded me to forgive others just as You have forgiven me. I chose to forgive _________for _______ (actions and effects). I ask that you forgive me for not forgiving as You commanded.

9 Help me to reconcile my relationship with _______
Help me to reconcile my relationship with _______. I choose to release this hurt and anger and I release _________ from any debt owed me. In the authority and name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take back any ground I have allowed Satan to gain in my life because of this conflict. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

10 forgiveness

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