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Vocabulary List #4 English IV.

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1 Vocabulary List #4 English IV

2 animosity (noun) Hatred or hostility that is shown openly

3 anonymity (noun) The condition of being anonymous or unknown

4 bibliophile (noun) One who loves books

5 ebb (verb) To flow or fall back, as the tide does

6 effervescent (adjective) High spirited; lively

7 elusive (adjective) Tending to avoid; hard to capture

8 nemesis (noun) The cause of someone’s downfall or defeat; an enemy

9 nepotism (noun) Favoritism shown by people in high places to relatives or close friends

10 nonchalant (adjective) Carefree and casually unconcerned or seeming so

11 solicitude (noun) The state of showing care or concern

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