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DCC Support for the ASC Sector

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2 DCC Support for the ASC Sector
Proud to Care Campaign Growth Support Programme – Business and Provider diagnostic – (ERDF) Enhance Social Enterprise - (ERDF) Innovation in Healthy Ageing Proud to Care Campaign – Sally Ann-Turner HR Strategy Manager has commissioned workshops for care providers on “Improving Retention of Care Workers” and “Values based Recruitment” BSI team looking to add value to this work in the PA Market Growth Support Programme - An initial 3 hour face to face meeting with one of the experienced delivery partner business advisers, resulting in a realistic growth plan for the business and areas identified where additional support will benefit. After this initial meeting, business will be offered the opportunity to commit to a further 9 hours of free advice, which includes 3 hours of digital support, which aims to increase growth and business efficiency through digital means.  Other advice also includes: Finance Human Resources Innovation Marketing Business Planning

3 DCC Support Creative Innovation & Growth Programme (CIAG) - 3 Elements
Innovation in Healthy Ageing - By increasing investment in research and innovation, eligible small and medium-sized businesses will have the opportunity to work collaboratively and be eligible to apply for funding to develop ideas in the following sectors: Pharmaceuticals Medical technology Medical bio-technology Healthcare services. Ideas could be for new technology, applications that complement existing technology, new service models or process innovation. Additional intensive growth and innovation business support will be available to ASC businesses – in particular looking at additional start up support / assistance with CIAG grants funding applications and reporting requirements / access to innovation mentors / innovation and marketing / leadership development / managing growth - still being worked but in the pipeline Procurement & management of this by the BSI Team 60 Businesses could access £1000 worth of support (60K) – 15 hours 20 Businesses could access £2000 worth of support to develop an innovative business solution (eg to become funding ready for grant scheme) particularly in areas of low sufficiency / edge of care hours General Training and Workshops – Supporting specific skills and training through the locality groups to support locality group training through speakers etc – meeting with PEN providers re what support they want – This could include restarting locality group meetings. Leadership & Management Programme – RW and RGD – Exeter University PA / Micro Provider peer support – (BRT PA Platform) – meeting with ILAs re what support they want – ASC CIAG Grants Scheme – see next

4 CIAG Grants Fund

5 What sort of activities do we hope to support?
Prevention and wellbeing Maximising opportunities for short-term re-ablement services Working with people’s strengths and assets Enabling opportunities for social relationships Collaborating in partnerships to deliver better personalised outcomes Recognising and promoting the potential for technology to facilitate social engagement and social networks

6 Achievements expected in return for the grant:
Jobs created People supported through new services New models of working Increase in turnover Diversification of business Number of group sessions run Square m of new care related space built

7 Achievements ctd: Square m of existing space improved or adapted for new care related use New assistive / innovative technology adopted New partnerships developed Number of people supported to live independently or stay healthier for longer New innovative processes / models of working Number of workforce engaged in innovation

8 CIAG Business Support

9 CIAG Leadership Development

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