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Indirect Object Pronouns aka: the IOPs

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1 Indirect Object Pronouns aka: the IOPs
Cap.2 Gram. 1 Pg. 50

2 What are Indirect Objects and IOPs?
Indirect Objects tell to whom or for whom the action of the verb is performed. The preposition “A” is used before an indirect object. Modelo: el peluquero le cortó el pelo a la señora. Indirect Object Pronouns (IOP) are pronouns that replace the noun/indirect object in a sentence. Modelo: el peluquero le cortó el pelo. Direct Object IOP

3 The Indirect Object Pronouns
Answer the question to whom or for whom, something is done or given. Placement is before a conjugated verb or attached to the end of an infinitive, positive command or a gerund. IOP to or for Me Nos Us Te You (informal) Os You (all) Le Him, her, you (formal) Les Them, you (all)

4 Modelo: Paco le da rosas a María. Or Paco le da rosas.
Indirect Objects and IOPs are often used with verbs for telling or giving something to someone. Modelo: Paco le da rosas a María. Or Paco le da rosas. Dar- to give Doy/Dí Das/Diste Da/Dió Damos/Dimos Dais Dan/Dieron Decir- to say, tell Digo/Dije Dices/Dijiste Dice/Dijo Decimos/Dijimos Decís Dicen/Dijeron

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