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Neurophysiology of Grasping

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Presentation on theme: "Neurophysiology of Grasping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neurophysiology of Grasping
Ashley Kleinhans Background

2 How do we get robots to grasp as well as humans?
The problem How do we get robots to grasp as well as humans? What is the research problem I think for most in robotics it’s a dream to be able to have a robot pet. For some even girlfriend.

3 This is an image of a production plant body shop
This is an image of a production plant body shop. It takes about 2 years to set up this system, but time to implementation is shorter where there are more available skilled workers.

4 In south Africa this isn't always the case, so the time is longer, meaning the initial capital costs are higher. Reducing this timing is important for a production environment. Technology push Other uses

5 Why do we care about this?
What about for our home environment? Tasks like cleaning your room, finding your keys or mobile phone.

6 Extra hands

7 Or just hands

8 How about the option of letting your house know that you are late for a meeting and you need a shower but you know the geyser needs to be switched on, so you pull up an app that switches on a geyser and your home helper ensures that your bath has been run buy the time you get home.

9 Or you are buggered after a long day and you have a cool glass of wine waiting for you – having just been poured – on the counter.

10 Why is robot grasping hard?
Fournier, et al. 2011 Why is robot grasping hard? We can begin with the tools we are given Human hand vs robot hand Shadow hand comes close – compliancy and DOF Other options Option for every kind of task – not very efficient

11 Why is robot grasping hard?
Sensory feedback and noise

12 Understanding task relation
Understanding learning – all types of brooms

13 What are the kind of things people look at?
Boris Birmingham (Wyatt) Research Controlled Cornell. (Saxena) Lab setup Complex shapes research realm Lab environment Controlled Primitive considered solved Complex close to being solved – in research terms state of the art when it comes to dynamic environments

14 Touch Task Current research Touch

15 Task based grasping - CMU

16 Why do none of these things work?
Break it down into step by step Use the best most accurate sensory input Out design the shit out of the tools

17 but humans can do amazing things, even when their hand is replaced by a hook

18 We could argue a noisy world
What you see

19 What your brain sees Noisy sensory input Fournier, et al. 2011

20 What I am trying to do This is my goal..
I am trying to marry the concept of human and robot grasping Looking at a system that works ..

21 What works? This is what works This is how we gather information
What is available

22 Pause I know what I want I know where to find it I know what works We can’t experiment on humans Now how do we build this?

23 Similar in tasks Not cognition

24 The network (questions that keep me up)
DORSAL STREAM VENTRAL STREAM Take a closer look at the tool that evolution has provided us Macaque monkey brain What we know Dorsal and Ventral

25 The network (questions that keep me up)
V3 Depth V3 sensitive to depth information

26 Curvature and Orientation
The network (questions that keep me up) The network CIP Curvature and Orientation V3 Depth CIP to curvature and orientation

27 Curvature and Orientation
The network (questions that keep me up) The network AIP Shape & Size CIP Curvature and Orientation V3 Depth AIP to shape and size

28 Curvature and Orientation
The network (questions that keep me up) The network AIP Shape & Size CIP Curvature and Orientation V3 Depth F5 Hand Somewhere between F5 and AIP there is a hand transformation that happens so that the robot hand can be controlled

29 V3 V3 V3 Looking at V3 and how it sees depth by stereopsis

30 Stereopsis example Place your finger in front of your face Close one eye then the other The difference that you see is the method the brain uses to gauge depth

31 Depth Modelling depth in a simulated environment

32 CIP CIP CIP What we know Higher up we go things are encoded differently CIP

33 CIP Receives input from V3 and V3a
Depth, 1st and 2nd spatial derivatives [S. C. de Vries, A. M. L. Kappers, and J. J. Koenderink, “Shape from stereo: A systematic approach using quadratic surfaces,” Perception & Psychophysics, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 71–80, Jan Modelling our stimulus All the maths is are equations for the surfaces we use as stimuli In the experiments these stimuli are placed in front of a Monkey, on a screen, and neurons are recorded from

34 AIP The network AIP Macaque monkey brain AIP – shape and size
Shape and size of objects can be broken down in a number of ways We looked at two options for surfaces

35 Modelling our stimulus (Superquadrics)
The first is superquadrics 5 – 11 variables for parameterisation Superquadrics generalize the basic quadric surfaces and solids Map to robotic end-effector shapes Alan H. Barr. 1981 Kindlmann, 2004

36 Isomap – more biologically plausible
Isomap is more biologically plausible because the structure is inherent in the data, rather than designed. Extends Multi-dimensional scaling or kernel PCA Seeks lower-dimensional embedding which maintains geodesic distances between points Three stages Nearest neighbour search Shortest path search Partial eigenvalue decomposition

37 F5 The network F5 Very interesting area Pre-motor or not to pre-motor?
Understanding of the hand – perceptual understanding of where your hand is in its environment F5ab (F5c mirror) This is the area of the mirror Fc – it’s the part of the brain that allows you to see what someone else is like and repeat it exactly.

38 F5 Challenge Mapping DOF So where does this leave me?

39 Designing my network I have to figure out how to design a network that will provide me the same functionality as the brain does.. This means looking at each area discussed and creating a neural network that takes a depth image input and outputs a grasp configuration..

40 Questions?

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