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Objective: Understand formatting skills of an agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Understand formatting skills of an agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Understand formatting skills of an agenda.

2 What is an agenda? a list of items to be discussed or acted upon, prepared before meetings, events, and conferences

3 Examples of Use Topics that will be covered at the next staff meeting
Topics and speakers that will present at the next board meeting

4 Components: Heading section – the organization name, date, location, and time of the meeting centered at top Body – time slots, topics, and speakers/presenters

5 Margins If short – center horizontally and/or vertically
See pages 8-12 of the3.01 Document Examples PDF file If short – center horizontally and/or vertically If average - adjust margins (top and side) so that the agenda is attractively presented on the page If letterhead stationery is used – 2”, 1”, 1”, 1”

6 Guidelines for Keying May include columns of times, topics, speakers, and locations or may simply be represented as a list of items May be formatted with dot leader tabs to control the left-to-right flow of the text Format varies according to the needs and preferences of each organization

7 Guidelines for Keying – Cont’d
If the agenda includes a list of incomplete sentences, no periods are required Double space (DS) between numbered items If the meeting or conference will last more than one day, list the day and date at the beginning of each section in bold For agendas in column format, use the table feature

8 LEADER TABS (dots) Click on link, watch video on how to set leader tabs You will set a right tab at 6.5” with leader dots. Leader Tabs "How to" Video

9 Agenda Practice Key the agenda for an FBLA board meeting at the Koury Convention Center in the Olympia conference room on October 14, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Save and name the document “Agenda Practice” Assignment should be completed today Top, bottom, and side margins should be appropriate for the document Agenda should contains all required components in the proper order Proofread for spelling and formatting errors

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