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Rise of Islam & the Arab Empires

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1 Rise of Islam & the Arab Empires

2 Arabs Nomadic Bedouins lived in Arabia
Arabs move constantly to feed their animals Arabs organized into independent tribes Lead by Sheikhs Early Arabs herded sheep & farmed Domesticated the camel & expanded caravan trade from Persian gulf & Mediterranean

3 Bedouins

4 Arabs Early Arabs: polytheistic Allah = main god
Believed Abraham & Ishmael built a shrine called the Ka’ba at Mecca Black Stone, cornerstone of Kaaba, revered for its association with Abraham

5 Muhammad Born into merchant family in Mecca, orphaned early
Caravan Manager Troubled by gap between the greedy rich & honest poor The Cave Story

6 How is Islam different? Islam has only one god
Moses & Jesus were nice guys who kind of got it right Muhammad is the true prophet Islam – “submission to God” Quran – “book or reading”

7 Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem:
Where Muhammad Ascended Into Heaven

8 ISLAM Slow Growth Initially
622 - Muhammad & 30 followers go to Yathrib (Hijrah Year 1) 630 – Comes back to Mecca with 10,000 troops Sole religious, political, & military leader Declared the Ka’ba to be a sacred shrine

9 Pilgrims On The Road to And Camped Outside of Makkah

10 Creation of Arab Empire
Muhammad dies 2 years after taking Mecca Abu Bakr = Muhammad’s father-in-law was chosen to be successor caliph = successor to Muhammad Used Jihad to spread movement of Islam Death in battle got you spot in heaven

1. Jihad against oneself - the daily struggle against evil and temptation in life. 2. Jihad with knowledge - the struggle to use knowledge, particularly from the Qur'an, to fight ignorance and to gain converts to Islam not through battle, but through the power of Qur'anic knowledge. 3. Jihad with wealth - the struggle to give up material wealth for the benefit of Islam, through charitable donations. 4. Jihad with the sword - the physical struggle to defend Islam against harm from unbelievers. Muslims believe that if they give their lives in this military jihad they will be rewarded with eternal paradise. 5. Jihad through righteousness - the struggle to continuously undertake good deeds to please God and benefit humanity.

12 Problems with Succession
2 Caliphs after Abu assassinated quickly 656 - Ali - Muhammad’s son-in-law - assassinated 5 years later Sunni Muslims Argue a caliph should ideally be chosen by election or community consensus. Shi'a Muslims ʻAlī and his descendants were the only proper Muslim leaders or imams.

13 Differences between Sunni/Shia

14 Differences between Sunni/Shia

15 Muhammad Surrounded by the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs
Abu Bakr Muhammad Surrounded by the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs

16 Umayyad Dynasty 661 – Gen. Mu’awiyah (Gov of Syria) became caliph
moved capital from Medinah to Damascus Made the office of caliph hereditary Expansion 8th century Arabs conquered & converted the Berbers = lived on coast of N. Africa 725 Arabs were defeated at Battle of Tours


18 Muslims in Spain

19 Damascus: Umayyad Capital

20 The End of the Umayyad Dynasty
717: Muslims attacked Constantinople, but their navy was defeated by Byzantines Sunnis did not agree with Umayyad rule but accepted it Internal struggles led to revolts 750 Overthrown by Abu (descendent of Muhammad’s Uncle)

21 Abbasid Dynasty 750: Abbasid Dynasty founded which lasted until 1258
762 new capital of Baghdad

22 Baghdad

23 Abbasid Dynasty Falls Abbasid experienced problems; fighting over succession of caliph Vast wealth led to financial corruption Shortage of Arabs for leaders Allowed non-Arabs to lead military & bureaucracy Less Unified Rulers of provinces began to break away

24 Umayyad Mosque In Spain Samanid Mosque In Bukhara

25 Fatimid Mosque in Cairo

26 Seljuk Turks & Crusades
Seljuk Turks took over much of Abbasid empire & captured Baghdad; held political and military power Turks took over Anatolian plateau, Byzantine empire turned west for help

27 Crusades Big Push: Byzantine emperor Alexius I asked Christian states of Europe for help against Turks Europeans agreed and a series of Crusades began in 1096 Crusaders put Muslims on defensive first 1169, Saladin took control of Egypt & ended Fatimid dynasty, took Christians 1187, Saladin’s army destroyed the Christian forces in the kingdom of Jerusalem Main effect of Crusades = centuries of mistrust between Muslims & Christians


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