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Environmental Science Class Notes 03/02/17

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1 Environmental Science Class Notes 03/02/17
Air Pollution Environmental Science Class Notes 03/02/17

2 What Causes Air Pollution?
Air pollution - contamination of the atmosphere by wastes from sources such as industrial burning and automobile exhausts. can be in the form of solids, liquids, or gases. Most air pollution is the result of human activities some pollutants are natural dust pollen Spores sulfur dioxide from volcanic eruptions.

3 Primary and Secondary Pollutants
primary pollutant - put directly into the atmosphere by human or natural activity. soot from smoke. secondary pollutant - forms in the atmosphere by chemical reactions with primary air pollutants, natural components in the air, or both. ground-level ozone- forms when the emission from cars react with the UV rays of the sun and then mix with the oxygen in the atmosphere.

4 Sources of Primary Air Pollutants
Particulate Matter Carbon Monoxide & Volatile Organic Compounds Fine particles Vehicles Coal-burning power plants Coarse particles Cement plants Mining operations Incinerators Roads Household produces Power plants vehicles Sulfur Dioxides Nitrogen Oxides Power Plants Refineries Metal Smelters Vehicles Coal-burning power plants

5 Motor Vehicle Emissions
1/3 of air pollution comes from vehicles 90% of driving is done by passenger cars Gasoline used to have lead in it- that’s why your gas is called “unleaded” Catalytic convertors: installed to convert exhaust gases into less harmful products (like water)

6 Industrial Air Pollution: Power
Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide Electricity production creates 1/3 of nitrogen oxide and 2/3 of sulfur dioxide in atmosphere

7 Industrial Air Pollution: VOCs
Dry cleaning oil refineries chemical manufacturing plants furniture refinishers automobile repair shops

8 Regulating Air Pollution From Industry
The Clean Air Act requires many industries to use scrubbers or other pollution-control devices. remove some of the worst pollutants moves gases through a spray of water that dissolves many pollutants

9 Smog urban air pollution composed of a mixture of smoke and fog
results from chemical reactions that involve sunlight, air, automobile exhaust, and ozone.

10 Temperature Inversions
atmospheric condition in which warm air traps cooler air near Earth’s surface. pollutants are trapped below with the cooler air. Cities in valleys frequently experience temperature inversions.

11 Temperature Inversions

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