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US Foreign Policy – 1930’s Can you guess? Why??

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Presentation on theme: "US Foreign Policy – 1930’s Can you guess? Why??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: To what extent did the US remain neutral at the start of World War II?

2 US Foreign Policy – 1930’s Can you guess? Why??
Isolationism and neutrality! Why?? Domestic problems and fear of war! 1928 – Kellogg-Briand Pact – 62 nations OUTLAWED war as a national policy (US, FR, ENG, GER, ITL, JPN) 1933 – FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy = non-intervention in Latin America (even withdrew troops there!)

3 Rise of Fascism What is it?
Policy of extreme nationalism – places the interests of the state above the individual NOT friendly with communists! Very militaristic Used scapegoats and propaganda to brainwash people Related to the people’s problems, promised change and hope in order to gain support and POWER

4 Dr. Seuss Do you recognize the cartoonist?
Why did Americans believe they could remain neutral? The separate beds meant they were separated by an ocean. Europe’s “Fascist diseases” wouldn’t spread to America.

5 1935 & 1937 – Neutrality Acts – passed by Congress
Outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at “war” (belligerent nations)


7 England & France could not use appeasement any longer & declared war on Germany
On September 1, Germany invaded Poland (when WWII officially BEGINS)

8 In 1940, Germany, Italy, & Japan signed the Tripartite Pact ( “Axis Powers”) to protect each other in case any nation was attacked Don’t Copy!

9 By 1941, the Axis Powers controlled almost all of Europe & northern Africa
In 1940, Germany began bombing Britain, the strongest Allied nation By 1941, the Axis Powers controlled almost all of Europe & northern Africa In 1940, France fell to the Nazis In 1941, Germany broke the Nazi-Soviet Pact & invaded the USSR

10 POINT OF VIEW: According to the Dr
POINT OF VIEW: According to the Dr. Seuss cartoon, do you think he was more critical or supportive of US neutrality?

11 Meanwhile…in the Pacific
Did Japan stay isolated and neutral? Examine Documents A & B Japan took full advantage of the European war to expand in Asia

12 The document title and date. What is the document about?
So with all of this Fascist aggression, did we stay neutral anymore, or not? Take a look at the 4 US policies and for each, write down in your notebook: The document title and date. What is the document about? Is the US fully, partially, or not neutral at all?

13 Lend-Lease Supply Routes

14 Atlantic Charter (August, 1941)
Close to war, time for a secret meeting… Atlantic Charter (August, 1941) FDR and Winston Churchill (England) meet: Discuss Allies’ goals for the post-war world “a permanent system of general security”…which becomes WHAT? United Nations (1945) – a new League SIGNIFICANCE? FDR’s commitment to end isolation US committed to British victory

15 Tomorrow’s lesson… May 22, 1941 December 8, 1941

16 DON’T COPY IMPEACH FDR?? FDR had now brought U.S. to the brink of war & opened himself to criticism: Sept 1941: polls showed 80% of Americans supported remaining neutral in WWII “Never before has the Congress of the United States been asked by any President to violate international law. Never before has this nation resorted to dishonesty in its foreign affairs. Never before has the United States given to one man the power to strip this nation of her defenses….” - Democratic Senator Burton Wheeler

17 Don’t let the isolationist Americans find out, Winston.
Hopkins told Churchill: "The President is determined that we [the United States and England] shall win the war together. Make no mistake about it. He has sent me here to tell you that at all costs and by all means he will carry you through, no matter what happens to him — there is nothing he will not do so far as he has human power."

18 Only three Presidents have been subjected to impeachment proceedings in American history, and none were removed by them. HOMEWORK TONIGHT: Based on his court packing scheme and war plans violating neutrality, do you think FDR should have been subjected to the same impeachment proceedings as the presidents above? In 1 paragraph, EXPLAIN WHY or WHY NOT…

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