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Spelling Specialists.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling Specialists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling Specialists

2 If the root word ends in –ce to change the word to an adjective –cious ending vice vice vicious Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

3 If the root word ends in –tion to change the word to an adjective –tious ending ambition ambitious Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

4 Use –ant and –ance / -ancy if the root word can have an –ation ending it can be clue observe observant observance observation Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

5 Use –ent and –ence / -ency after soft /c/or soft /g/ sound and qu frequent frequency innocent innocence Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

6 Some words that do not follow these rules are: assistant assistance obedient obedience independent independence

7 The –able / -ably endings are far more common than the –ible / ibly endings. The –able ending is used if there is a related word ending in -ation adore adorable adorably adoration Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

8 If the –able ending is added to a word ending in –ce or –ge You must keep the e change changeable Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

9 If the –able ending is added to a complete root word that ends in a y
If the –able ending is added to a complete root word that ends in a y. The y must be changed to an i rely reliable Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

10 If a complete root word cannot be heard then usually the ending is -ible possible possibly horrible horribly Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

11 Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in –fer The r is doubled if the –fer is still stressed when the ending is added refer referring referred But: refer reference Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

12 Hyphens can be used to join a prefix to a root word, especially if the prefix ends in a vowel and the root word begins with a vowel co-ordinate re-enter Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

13 ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ rule applies to many words deceive, receive, perceive, ceiling

14 Exceptions to the rule: protein, caffeine, seize, either, neither, their

15 ough is one of the trickiest spellings in English – it can be used to spell a number of different sounds bought thought fought rough tough rough though dough through plough

16 Words with ‘silent’ letters
Words with ‘silent’ letters. Some letters which are no longer sounded used to be sounded hundreds of years ago: knight, doubt, island, lamb, solemn Can you think of any other words that follow this rule?

17 Homophones and other words that are often confused: past : in the past or he walked past me passed : past tense of the verb ‘pass’

18 Adding the suffix –ful to turn a noun into a verb help helpful

19 Previous SATS spelling test words

20 Can you spot any root words? simple purposes enemies instruments tribal significant dimensions function typically tourists

21 Can you spot any root words? competition easiest correctly vertical swoops adjustment breeze precision clapping attempt

22 Can you spot any root words? famous believed supposedly conquered collapsed discussed usually evidence earliest

23 Can you spot any root words? divided themselves neighbouring eventually surrounding honour circular increasing inhabitants

24 Can you spot any root words? dozens creative transporting station boiled stapled future enough feature

25 Can you spot any root words? mattered produces disruptive shipped strength umbrellas released variety chief familiar

26 Can you spot any root words? physically substantial surprised welcome untidy message highest rubbed field engine

27 Can you spot any root words? comfort guitar copied suggested crystal whistling instructor expression mammals alterations

28 Can you spot any root words? anxious gradually journalist afternoon tapping knee double paused unsure postage

29 Can you spot any root words? judge happiest tough lorries system international difference fracture luckily frequent

30 Can you spot any root words? assistant occasion potential discover mission loose sign country gymnastics

31 Can you spot any root words? edible posture sleigh delicious scent illusion re-enter parachute abundance unavoidably

32 dissolve ominous drawer possession
Can you spot any root words? dissolve ominous drawer possession

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