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Knowledge Connections

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1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Checks and Balances Social Contract Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 Essential Question What ideas about government were introduced by Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau?

3 What is a philosopher? PHILOSOPHERS are people who want to use logic and reason to solve problems The Glorious Revolution and the ideas of Locke inspired French thinkers to use reason to change the world for the better

4 Argued that people were naturally good
What were Locke’s ideas? Argued that people were naturally good Believed everyone was born with a clean slate and that our thoughts can from our experiences Thought people were born with NATURAL RIGHTS such as life, liberty and property JOHN LOCKE

5 Who were the French philosophers?
BARON DE MONTESQUIEU author of The Spirit of the Laws JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU author of The Social Contract

6 What was Montesquieu’s idea?
Montesquieu outlined a structure for government He recommended three branches Executive Judicial Legislative

7 What is the point of dividing the branches?
His idea created SEPARATION OF POWERS Duties of each branch: Legislative – Make laws Executive – Enforce laws Judicial – Interpret laws This allows all three branches to limit and control each other….

8 What is checks and balances?
The branches check on each other, and no branch can gain too much power SEPARATION OF POWERS creates a system of CHECKS AND BALANCES Sounds familiar??? Its part of the US government!

9 Society agrees to be governed as a whole
What is a Social Contract? Rousseau believed that government is based on a SOCIAL CONTRACT Society agrees to be governed as a whole People don’t always do what is best for them, but what is best for ALL people

10 What if I still don’t get it?
Before you get on an airplane, you agree to have your belongings searched EXAMPLE: You know you aren’t a threat, but you agree to be searched in order to make everyone feel safe Likewise, everyone else agrees to be searched in order to make you feel safe

11 Essential Question What ideas about government were introduced by Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau?

12 Ideas About Government

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