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Pop Culture Ms. P 8-8-16.

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Presentation on theme: "Pop Culture Ms. P 8-8-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pop Culture Ms. P

2 As you enter, remember to please start bellringer quietly
Bellringer: On a sheet of paper, write: 1. One thing you want me to know about you 2. One thing you would like to ask me 3. off the top of your head, what does pop culture mean? What ideas/definitions/examples come to your mind?

3 Reviewing graduation requirements
Reviewing Page 6 in LHS newsletter

4 My webpage is your friend!
My webpage: Make it a favorite! I don’t give second copies of worksheets or handouts, but they’re on the website. If you’re out, the assignments you missed are listed. I will also upload our class PowerPoint for the day, and just about everything we do in class will be posted and updated. In college, you will be expected to respond to discussion questions online. We will begin this format so you are comfortable with it. Your first question is already posted on the discussion board.

5 Class supplies Supply List: 1 inch binder or 3 prong folder
Notebook paper Pens/Pencils Composition notebook Highlighter (suggested, not required) Wish List: bring one of these to donate to the class if possible: Kleenex: I can never have too much! Lotion for hand sanitizer station Package of colored printer paper Package of pens/pencils Package of highlighters Dry erase markers Dry erasers, Dry erase board cleaner

6 grading Assessments 50% Benchmarks Word Wall Tests
Projects/papers/tests Daily Grades 50% Bellringer/Exit Slip Daily work, Daily quizzes Literacy Lessons

7 technology I plan on integrating technology in our class. Most of the websites I plan on incorporating can be accessed through smartphones. If you do not have access to the internet please let me know immediately so we can create a plan.

8 Expectation Always be ready to learn.
Learning is not a spectator sport. I want you to have LOTS of chances to fail safely. Texting, tweeting, and other social media needs to wait until after class. You are here to learn. Be respectful of those around you. You are here to learn. I do not do well with rude comments and bad attitudes. We are partners in your education. Remember why you’re here, and I’ll remember why I am, too.

9 Daily work You should check the board or Class PowerPoint every day (or the web page!). All assignments for that day will be listed. You should record your assignments each day. The method you use is up to you. All work is to be submitted to the basket on the counter unless otherwise stated. Your first and last name MUST be on your assignment. I cannot record a grade for an assignment that doesn’t have a name.

10 Makeup work If you KNOW you’re going to be absent, please get assignments before leaving. The website is your friend. Please check the make-up binder and my web page for make-up work. Except under extenuating circumstances, you will have five days to make up any quizzes or tests you may have missed. An absence the class period(s) prior to a test is NOT an excuse to postpone the test. If you are in class on the day of the test, you WILL take the test.

11 Hall pass It is imperative for you to be in class. Please take care of your personal business on your own time. (You will be counted tardy if you are not in the room when the clock in the hallway turns to show the time your class begins.) If you MUST leave class, please ask at appropriate times (During independent or group work). You must sign out by the door, and take the appropriate pass. You will only receive 3 passes out each nine weeks, AND only 3 people can leave per class period. Be wise about this usage.

12 Procedures Take care of needs before class begins (making sure you have paper, grabbing your composition notebook, sharpening your pencil). If you have trash, wait until AFTER class to throw it away as you are leaving HW is due at the BEGINNING of class in the blue tray Do not speak while I am speaking When we have guests, be respectful

13 Exit slip What do you hope to learn in this class?
Why did you sign up for this class? What do you expect from me?

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