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1 To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher
To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Gospel Meetings”

2 The Lord’s Church Through the Ages
Part 4 The Reformation Period Presented by Chris Reeves * Rocky Point church of Christ Gospel Meeting * November 20, 2011

3 The Lord’s Church Through the Ages Where Are We?
The New Testament Church Post-Apostolic Period Medieval Period Reformation Restoration Period The Lord’s Church Today A.D

4 Why This Study? A study of history is profitable for learning valuable lessons (1 Corinthians 10:11-12) We find that many people were dissatisfied and disgruntled with the Catholic Church and attempted to reform it. We will learn that in an attempt to reform the Catholic Church many substituted their own man-made doctrines and practices in place of those of the Catholic Church.

5 Why This Study? We will learn that in an attempt to reform the Catholic Church many went from one extreme (salvation by works in the Catholic Church) to another extreme (salvation by faith alone in the Protestant Churches). We will learn the great sacrifices that were made to undertake a reformation of religion.

6 Understanding Some Terms
“Renaissance” means new birth or revival and refers to the renewed interest and revival of learning (A.D – 1550) “Protestant” refers to a movement from individuals within the Catholic Church (former priests, etc.) “protesting” the errors and abuses of the Catholic Church “Reformation” refers to the movement, not to “overthrow”, but “reform” the existing order (the Catholic Church) enough to correct its errors and abuses

7 Pre-Reformation History
The great captivity of the Catholic Church The great schism within the Catholic Church The great captivity of the Eastern Orthodox Church The great inquisition of the Catholic Church

8 The Beginning of Reformation
The Preparation for Reformation: learning, the printing press, nationalism The Beginnings of Reformation: Wycliff, Huss, Wessel, Savonarola The Catholic Counter-Reformation

9 The Formal Reformation
The German Reformation: Luther and Melanchthon The Swiss Reformation: Zwingli and Calvin The English Reformation: Tyndale and King Henry

10 Protestant Churches of the Reformation
Founder Date Lutheran Martin Luther 1521 Church of England King Henry VIII 1534 Congregational Robert Browne 1550 Presbyterian John Calvin 1560 Baptist John Smythe 1608 Quaker George Fox 1656 Methodist J. and C. Wesley 1739

11 Catholicism Replaced by Protestantism
Key Feature Protestantism Pope Head Men One Churches Many Tradition Authority Doctrines of Men Bishops Ruling Body Councils Works Salvation Faith Only

12 Lessons Learned Reading the scriptures for yourself will lead you out of the darkness of ignorance and error into the light of truth (Jn. 8:32; 17:17; Eph. 5:17) The need for restoration, not merely reformation (Isa. 8:20; Jer. 6:16)

13 Lessons Learned Reformation leaders taught erroneous doctrines…
Luther’s demand for what is forbidden in scripture: “Thou shall not…” (compare with Col. 3:17; 2 Jn. 9) Luther’s salvation by faith alone (compare with Jas. 2:24-26) Calvin’s doctrine of TULIP (compare with Ezek. 18:20; Eph. 1:3-6; 1 Tim. 2:6; Acts 7:51; Gal. 5:4)

14 The Lord’s Church Through the Ages
Let us not simply reform abuses in religion, but go back and restore the New Testament church (Lk. 8:11; Acts 11:26; Eph. 4:4-6) Let us not leave one man-made Church to form another man-made Church (Mt. 15:13) Let us be the faithful remnant of the Lord’s church today (1 K. 19:18; Rev. 3:4)

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