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The Transportation Revolution

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1 The Transportation Revolution
After World War One

2 Changes After World War I, many Americans began to benefit from the successes of the Progressive movement. Many Americans now belonged to the middle class These people had both a growing disposable income, and growing leisure time This coincided with the growing transportation industry

3 Before 1920, only wealthy people could afford cars.
By applying innovative manufacturing techniques, Henry Ford changed that. His affordable Model T became a car for the people.

4 Price of the model T dropped from $800 down to $200
Ford made the Model T affordable by applying mass production techniques to making cars. A moving assembly line brought cars to workers, who each added one part. Ford consulted scientific management experts to make his manufacturing process more efficient. The time to assemble a Model T dropped from 12 hours to just 90 minutes. Price of the model T dropped from $800 down to $200

5 Ford also raised his workers’ pay to $5 a day and shortened their hours.
With more money and more leisure time, his employees would be potential customers. By 1927, 56% of American families owned a car.

6 How the Automobile Changed America
Road construction boomed, and new businesses opened along the routes. Other car-related industries included steel, glass, rubber, asphalt, gasoline, and insurance. Workers could live farther away from their jobs. Families used cars for leisure trips and vacations. Fewer people traveled on trolleys or trains.

7 Airmail Service Immediately following WWI the US government began airmail service Pioneered routes and techniques for transporting cargo and passengers by airplane

8 Aviation Grows By the late 1920s the US had several airlines that crossed the country After Lindbergh’s trans -Atlantic flight, general aviation emerged allowing individuals to fly their own aircraft

9 How the Airplane Changed America
Connected East and West Coast Allowed quick transportation of cargo/mail Connected businesses in different cities Allowed for long range leisure trips and vacations to exotic places. Allowed access to remote locations for exploration, Business, and pleasure.

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