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16.2 Japan Strikes the Pacific

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1 16.2 Japan Strikes the Pacific
Nicole Borden Julia Brown Alexa Dela Cruz Alex Delaney ww2/images/japan6.jpg

2 Japan Seeks a Pacific Empire
1931: Japan begins to expand. Troops take over Manchuria. Expected quick victory over Chinese, but resistance caused the war to drag on. The war also caused economic strain and looked to rich European colonies for resources. history/images/hist_ma1.gif

3 1940: U.S. Government sent aide to strengthen Chinese resistance.
July 1941: Because the Japanese overran French Indochina, Roosevelt cut off shipmates to Japan. Japan planned massive attacks on Southeast Asia and in the Pacific (to be done at the same time). Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto: Japan’s greatest Naval strategist. He argued that the U.S. fleet in Hawaii was “a dagger pointed at our throat.” and must be destroyed. Admiral isoroku yamamoto 260px-Yamamoto-Isoroku-improvedContrast.jpg

4 December 7, 1941 Americans decoded a message and were aware that an attack might happen but still did not know when or where this would be. In two hours Japanese had sunk and damaged eighteen ships and nearly the whole U.S. Pacific fleet. 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,000 were wounded. December 8, 1941: Congress declared war on Japan. President Roosevelt described December 7th as “a date which will live in infamy.” 1) images/pearl-harbor.jpg 2) _002.jpg

5 The Tide of Japanese Victories
After the bombing at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese seized Guam and the Wake Islands in the Western Pacific. January 1932: Japanese marched into the Philippine capital Manila. Japanese also attacked Britain, Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore, Dutch, and the East Indies. Japanese closed off the Chinese main supply road, Burma Road, hoping it would cause the Chinese to surrender. Burman fell, and Japan had conquered more than 1 million square miles of land and about 150 million people. Bataan Death March: Japanese soldiers subjected prisoners to terrible cruelties and received brutal treatments.

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7 Allies Strike Back The allies were mainly the Americans and the Australians. April 1942: U.S. sent sixteen B-25 bombers to bomb Tokyo and other Japanese cities under command of Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle. Little damage was done, but proved that the Japanese could be attacked. F-0000G-003.jpg

8 May 1942 American fleet, with support of Australian, intercepted Japanese strike force (to attack Port Moresby). Battle of the Coral Sea: Opposing ships did not fire a single shot, all of the fighting was done by airplane. Allies lost more ships that the Japanese who claimed Victory, but the allies stopped the Japanese expansion for the first time. coralseasbd_1.jpg

9 Battle of Midway June 1942: A code was broken. Japan now targeted Midway Island, which is west of Hawaii. The Commander in Chief: Admiral Chester Nimitz He prepared the ambush for Japan at Midway. June 4, 1942: Ambush strategy succeeded and the American pilots destroyed 382 Japanese planes, all four aircraft carriers and one support ship. June 6, 1942: the Battle at Midway was over. midway1.jpg

10 Allies Go on the Offensive
General Douglas MacArthur: Commander of allied land forces in the Pacific. He believed that “island hopping” was the best strategy. U.S. Government wanted to strike the unfinished airbase on the island of Guadalcanal. August 7, 1942: 19,000 U.S. Marines and some Australian support took over the Japanese airfield. After six months of fighting on land and sea, the Battle of Guadalcanal ended. Japanese lost 2/3 of their men and abandoned the island now known to the Japanese as the “Island of Death.” jcpml00376_124l.jpg

11 When did Japan begin to expand?
Question 1 When did Japan begin to expand? 1931

12 Question 2 What event took place on December 7, 1941?
The attack on Pearl Harbor

13 Who was one of the allies involved with the United States?
Question 3 Who was one of the allies involved with the United States? Australia

14 When did the Battle of Midway take place?
Question 4 When did the Battle of Midway take place? June 1942

15 Question 5 What was significant about
August 7, 1942?.. And how long did it last? 19,000 U.S. Marines and some Australian support took over the Japanese airfield… Six months

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