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Kievan Russia and Western Europe

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1 Kievan Russia and Western Europe
900 – 1200 AD

2 Politics and the Church
Combo political power and religious power They would form alliances with kings. The Popes would choose one person as the “Holy Roman Emperor” (Charlemagne) in 962 The Holy Roman Empire was a loose coalition of German princes.

3 Issues in the Church Disagreements over church regulation.
Shortages of trained clergy. Residual Pagan practices. Clergy celibacy. Investiture Controversy

4 Kievan Russia, 900–1200 The Rise of the Kievan State
Russia includes territory from the Black and Caspian Seas in the south to the Baltic and White Seas in the north Peoples of different language and ethnic groups Power derived from trade.

5 Origins of Russia The Rus were societies of western Slav farmers ruled by Varangian (Viking settlers) nobles Their most important cities were Kiev and Novgorod, both centers of trade.

6 Vladimir I In 980 Vladimir I became Grand Prince of Kiev
He chose Orthodox Christianity as the religion of his state and imitated the culture of the Byzantine Empire He built churches Adopting the Cyrillic alphabet Oriented his trade toward the Byzantines Internal political struggles and conflict with external foes led to a decline of Kievan Russia after 1100

7 Western Europe Revives, 1000–1200 The Role of Technology
Western Europe’s population and agricultural production increased in the period from 1000–1200 This fed a resurgence of trade and enabled kings to strengthen their control

8 Population Increase Historians agree that technology played a significant role in European population growth from 1000–1200 Among the technological innovations associated with this population growth are the heavy moldboard plow, the horse collar, and the breast-strap harness.

9 Cities and the Rebirth of Trade
Independent, self-governing cities emerged first in Italy and Flanders They relied on manufacturing and trade for their income, and they had legal independence so that their laws could favor manufacturing and trade. In Italy, Venice emerged as a dominant sea power, trading in Muslim ports for spices and other goods

10 In Flanders, cities like Ghent imported wool from England and wove it into cloth for export
During the mid-twelfth century Europeans began minting first silver and then gold coins. Serfs were free once they came to the cities.

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