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Michael C. Dietze, D. LeBauer, C. Davidson, A. R. Desai,

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Presentation on theme: "Michael C. Dietze, D. LeBauer, C. Davidson, A. R. Desai,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The PEcAn Project: Carbon-Cycle Reanalysis Facilitated by Model-Data Ecoinformatics
Michael C. Dietze, D. LeBauer, C. Davidson, A. R. Desai, R. Kooper, K. McHenry, S. Serbin , T. Viskari, D. Wang

2 Barriers to Modeling Accessibility Relevance Flow of information
Too complicated? Requires expert training to use? Relevance How does this help me understand MY system? Can models help me in the field? Flow of information Too much information? One way (field → model) Dietze et al. PC&E 2013

3 Ecoinformatics Workflows allow Transparency Repeatability
Provenance tracking

4 Accessibility

5 Relevance Ask non-trivial hypotheses
Models as working hypotheses Ensembles as significance test Var Decomp to identify drivers, design experiments “[my favorite process/most recent finding] should be incorporated in global change models” Confront models with data Thousands of study sites, experiments, data sets

6 Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer
Manage flow info in/out of models Scientific workflows Automate analysis Accessibility Repeatability Data Assimilation LeBauer et al 2013

7 Other Projects EcoPad (Y. Luo, UO) DART (NCAR) CLM+DART (A. Fox, NEON)
“Model Farm” (J. Fisher, JPL) General Ensemble Biogeochemical Modeling System (USGS) Microsoft Research, Computational Ecology

8 Meta-Analysis Posteriors
Prior from Wright et al 2004, Graminoids

9 Ensemble Estimate

10 Sensitivity Analysis NPP (Mg/ha) Prior Posterior

11 Variance Decomposition
Prior Posterior * *can easily be extended to driver and IC uncertainties

12 Across Biomes.... Proportion of Variance

13 Sampling Optimization

14 Data Assimilation Updated State Data Model

15 If this is easy to use? Would you use it? Would you contribute? Data
Models Code / time

16 Much to be done...

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