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NEW JERSEY STATE LODGE Lodge Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW JERSEY STATE LODGE Lodge Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW JERSEY STATE LODGE Lodge Administration

2 Constitution & By-Laws
Your most important documents as a lodge leader are the Local, State, and National Constitution and By-laws The National Ritual Book also is an official part of the organization.

3 Opening the Lodge Order of Business
Call The Meeting To Order Opening Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Acceptance of New Applicants for Membership

4 Opening the Lodge Order of Business
Membership Committee Report on Previous Applications for Membership Officer’s Reports Committee Reports Bills Communications

5 Opening the Lodge Order of Business
Report on Members Sick or in Distress Unfinished Business New Business Good of the Order Adjournment

6 Running the Meeting Full and free discussion of all motions, reports, and other items of business is the right of all members. In doing business, use the simplest and most direct procedure.

7 Running the Meeting Only one motion can be considered at a time. Members may not make a motion or speak on a motion until they have been recognized by the chair and have obtained the floor.

8 Running the Meeting All remarks and questions should be addressed to the president. No one may speak more than twice on the same motion on the same day without the permission of the lodge members assembled.

9 Running the Meeting Anyone who has not had the opportunity to speak must be afforded time to speak first. When voting, members have the right to know at all times what motion on the floor is and what an affirmative or negative votes mean.

10 Types of Motions Main Motions Subsidiary Motions Privileged Motions

11 Six Steps to Every Motion (with some exceptions)
A member stands up, is recognized, and makes a motion Another member seconds the motion The President restates the motion to the members

12 Six Steps to Every Motion
The members discuss the motion The President asks for the affirmative votes & then the negative votes The President announces the result of the voting

13 Main Motions A Main Motion brings business before the Lodge. It is a formal proposal by a member, that the lodge take certain action. Only one Main Motion may be before the Lodge for action at a time.

14 Discussion When a motion has been stated it is then before the membership for discussion.

15 Subsidiary Motions Table a main motion (No second needed) Previous Question (Call for a vote) Postpone a motion to certain day Commit or refer a motion to Committee Amend Postpone indefinitely

16 Privileged Motions Question of Privilege Set adjournment time Adjourn These are non-debatable and do not require a second and you do not need to be recognized

17 Non-Debatable Motions
Some motions perform a time sensitive task where a discussion would be counter productive Calls for the Division of the Assembly Lay on the Table / Take from the Table

18 Non-Debatable Motions
Division of a Question Reconsider a Motion Dispense with Reading of the Minutes 18

19 Non-Debatable Motions
Some motions prevent further debate where discussion would defeat the purpose of the motion Adjourn Object to Consideration of a Question Previous Question (Close Debate)

20 Non-Debatable Motions
Minimize or Extend Limits of Debate Recess 20

21 Non-Debatable Motions
Some motions intend to perform simple tasks which require immediate action Parliamentary Inquiry Point of Information Point of Order Raise a Question of Privilege Appeal the Decision of the Chair

22 Unamendable Motions Motion to Adjourn Call for the Division of the Assembly Lay on the Table/Take from the Table Objection to the Consideration of a motion

23 Unamendable Motions Appeal from the Decision of the Chair Previous Question Parliamentary Inquiry Point of Information Dispense with the Reading of the Minutes

24 Unamendable Motions Point of Order Raise a Question of Privilege Suspend the Rules Reconsider a Motion

25 Amending a Motion During the discussion of a motion, one may move to amend the pending motion by altering the motions language. There are three (3) basic ways to amend a motion:

26 Inserting words or paragraphs Striking words or paragraphs
Amending a Motion Inserting words or paragraphs Striking words or paragraphs Striking words or paragraphs and inserting words or paragraphs 26

27 Modifying a Motion (5 Ways to Modify)
Before the chair re-states the motion. After the chair re-states the motion, the maker of the motion may request unanimous consent from the members to modify the motion.

28 Modifying a Motion (5 Ways to Modify)
Any member may propose changes to the motion before the motion is voted upon. If a motion requires further study, the members may vote to refer the Motion to a Committee. 28

29 Modifying a Motion (5 Ways to Modify)
5. Sometimes the motion is so complex that the only way to do it justice is for a member to urge its rejection and offer to propose a simpler version as a Substitute Motion. 29

30 Out of Order (Improper Motions)
Motions which conflict with laws, by-laws, constitution, or rules of the organization. Motions which present something already rejected during the same session or conflict with a motion already adopted.

31 Out of Order (Improper Motions)
Motions which conflict with or present substantially the same question as one which has been temporarily disposed of. Motions which propose actions beyond the scope of the by-laws. A 2/3 vote will allow this. 31

32 Rescinding a Motion You always have the right to annul or amend something already adopted. There are no arbitrary restrictions

33 Rescinding a Motion When a motion is adopted before you can prepare a means of defeating it, all you need is a 2/3 vote and you can nullify or amend the offensive motion. 33

34 Unanimous Consent In cases where there seems to be no opposition in routine business; or on questions of little importance; and in the presences of a quorum; you can save time by obtaining Unanimous Consent (General Consent) from the assembly.

35 Education & Training Committee
John Sisto Jim Ford

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