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Global History & Geography 10th Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Global History & Geography 10th Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global History & Geography 10th Grade
Mr. Hurst

2 Supplies 2” three-ring binder for notes and handouts
Pens (black and dark blue ink only) for essays Pencils (No. 2 for Scantron sheets on tests) Highlighter (for documents and tests) Colored Pencils (for maps, handouts etc.) Stapler and Hole Punch

3 Textbook Keep this at home It is to be used for homework and reference It is not needed for class every day

4 Websites The majority of the course lessons plus other important documents, maps, and pictures required for this course can be found at which is my own website. Haiku Learning – make sure you create your password as you will need daily access to your assignments and lessons.

5 Homework I do not assign homework on a nightly basis but….
When I do assign homework it is very meaningful and important and will be added into your grade. I strongly suggest that you spend ten minutes every night going over your notes from that day!

6 Tests and Quizzes All tests given will be shown on the school calendar and with class s, along with the content to be covered. Sometimes I give quizzes, especially on the more difficult material. I will give you advance notice. I will always let you know in advance the format for each test.

7 Essay Writing We will spend several classes on learning how to write essays for Global History. There are two types to be covered; the Document Based Question (DBQ) and the Thematic Essay. There will be both in-class and take-home essays. I have free periods during the week for one-on-one assistance, especially with your writing development.

8 iPads and Laptops I have no objection with you using an iPad or laptop for note taking. It is a good way to organize your work. However, if I find anyone not using them correctly, it will stop for everyone in the class! I also have some special lessons that I will use that are better if you use this type of device in class.

9 Classroom Rules I have no assigned specific seating. If you cross-talk, you will be moved! We must start on time. If we start late then we will lose one class a month, made up with homework! I encourage class participation but no outbursts! Eating and drinking – only if you have to and no 3-course meals! Clean up after yourselves, we do not have a maid!

10 Conclusion Remember, this is a Transitional exam that covers the time periods of 1450 C.E. to the Present. The Regents exam is not hard but there is so much to cover in such a short time. Work hard now, take good notes, save everything and in June, you will be rewarded for your hard work. Make sure you catch-up on any work missed. It is your responsibility to see me if you are absent or away. I normally do not give make-up tests, so let’s do it right first time! Remember - History can be fun.

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