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Take Out: turn homework in to sorter

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1 Take Out: turn homework in to sorter
Pencil Notes from yesterday Agenda: Chinese philosophies

2 After you did an EXCELLENT JOB of analyzing those quotes,
Take an iPad and find good quotes from Confucius and Lao Tzu Write those quotes on your worksheet on the correct page!!!!

3 Talk with your table ONLY
Keep discussing for 10 MINUTES!!! Listen to each other EVERYONE PARTICIPATES Write your answers and who contributed

4 Take Out: Your workbook Worksheet on smoking Pencil
Sit in regular seat

5 What to do? Go to Edmodo Open the link to take notes
Copy down notes about 3 Chinese philosophies When you’re done with the notes Open Haiku Deck Take the tour & then create 3 slides on the 3 philosophies 

6 Chinese Geography CHlNA Yellow River Yellow River Or Huang He
Yangtze River Or Changjiang Largest dam in the world here! 3,915 miles long Chinese Geography Yellow River Or Huang He Soil colors it yellow! 3,395 miles long Yellow River CHlNA Yangtze River

7 Chinese Isolation CHlNA Pacific Ocean Mongolia India Yellow River
Gobi Desert Taklimakan Desert CHlNA Himalayas Yangtze River

8 Chinese Philosophies Warring states… How to create order and peace????

9 Legalism Man is born evil and must be contained by strict laws
Strong government keeps people in order They believe in harsh punishments Arrest people who question the government

10 Confucianism Confucius - a great Chinese philosopher (551 B.C. – 479 B.C.) Proper behavior in relationships Parent and child (filial piety) elder and younger Husband and wife Friend and friend Ruler and subject Rulers should be a living example of a good life

11 Daoism Founded by Laozi in 500’s B.C.
Tao or “the Way” is a universal force that guides all things Says to live in harmony with nature Followers did not want to be in government Believe in the yin and yang, opposing forces of nature

12 Chinese Philosophies

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