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Research Skills.

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1 Research Skills

2 Aims of the course: Basic grounding in research skills -
designing questionnaires and experiments data analysis using statistics and SPSS writing up studies using standard presentation conventions






8 Outline of this course: Autumn term:
Issues in designing questionnaires and experiments. Descriptive statistics - effective summarising of data. The logic behind statistical tests. Statistical tests (correlation and Chi-Square). Using SPSS ("Statistical Package for the Social Sciences") for data analysis and Excel for producing graphs and tables. Using Powerpoint for “slide-shows” like this, for use in oral presentations.

9 Spring term: Summer term: More statistical theory.
More statistical tests. More on graphing data. Summer term: Ethics. Endnote (software for organising references and producing reference lists). How to decide which statistical test is most appropriate to use. Revision for the exam...

10 Course organisation: Autumn term: Two lectures and one practical every week. Lectures weeks 2-9, practicals weeks 2-9. (Lectures: Mondays at 1 pm, Fridays at 4 pm in Chichester Lecture Theatre). Spring term: Two lectures per week in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 of term; one lecture per week in weeks, 3, 5, 7 and 9; practicals weeks 2-10. Summer term: One lecture and one practical every week. Lectures weeks 1-5, practicals weeks 3-5.

11 Course requirements: Assessment is by a mixture of coursework and exam: Autumn term: Portfolio (lab report and Powerpoint presentation) 10% (7%, 3%) Spring and summer terms: 3 lab-reports 20% (6%,7%,7%) All three terms: Research participation (four hours) 10% (c) Summer term: Unseen open-book exam 60%

12 This term's course requirements (worth 10% of overall mark for RM1):
1. Design a questionnaire on one of a variety of set topics: e.g. Smoking, Drinking, Exercising, Driving. 2. Administer the questionnaire: work in groups, each person recruiting at least 20 participants. 3. Analyse the data. Week 10 of term: 4. Submit a written lab-report on what you did and what you found, with appropriate descriptive statistics and graphs. 5. Produce a brief Powerpoint slideshow (4-5 slides max.) on your study, and present this to your Academic Advisor's tutor group.

13 Recommended textbooks:
Sage, 2006 Field and Hole (2003). Sage publications. BUY THIS ONE, I NEED THE MONEY !!!!! Palgrave, 2006

14 Other good statistics textbooks:
Pearson / Prentice Hall 2005 Pearson / Prentice Hall 2004


16 Course documentation, handouts, lecture slides:
Best methods to access all this are (1) and (2): (1) Then follow the links: Departmental faculty > Graham Hole > Homepage for Graham Hole (2) Go direct to my homepage: (3) Then follow the links: teaching > course directory > Research Skills > Study Direct: c8511 (only accessible from campus)

17 Who to contact: In the first instance, the course tutors running your practical sessions (see my homepage for a list of tutors and contact details). Graham Hole

18 What do Reps do? Give students a voice
Represent student views (in person, at committee meetings etc) Keep students informed of change

19 Why become a Rep? To make a positive difference to students at Sussex
To gain invaluable communication and negotiation skills Be eligible for an Award

20 What do Reps do? Consult students to find out what they think is good & bad about their course, department and student experience Tell University decision-making committees what students think so that the good things get echoed elsewhere and the bad things get changed

21 How do I get involved? Nominate yourself to represent your department year; and/or Vote for one student to represent your department year You’ll get support & training from the Students Union

22 When does it happen? 24 Sep-12 Oct Nominations: register your name online 15 Oct Nominees meeting 12 – 1pm, Mandela Hall 15-19 Oct Elections: Get voting 22-26 Oct Training: Being an Effective Rep Nov – Nov REPRESENT!

23 For more information & to nominate yourself go to:
Your studies… Your say…

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