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Martin Gill Director of Housing and Support Centrepoint

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1 Martin Gill Director of Housing and Support Centrepoint
Summing up Martin Gill Director of Housing and Support Centrepoint Welcome everyone to the conference

2 This is what we set out to do today
We will present research findings covering a range of themes under the broad umbrella of homelessness. Provide the opportunity to discuss the key issues and challenges. Begin to identify the way forward to end homelessness within the context of the new political regime. What we aimed to do

3 NEHTT Charter: Actions for the current Government
To provide sufficient and appropriate housing with adequate support services will be provided for vulnerable people across the North East, making access to a settled home and the provision of social housing a priority. Retain Housing Benefit for under-25s. Make it compulsory to find settled accommodation for offenders leaving prison or who are homeless within the community. To ensure all Houses in Multiple Occupation and B&BS which cater for homeless people are inspected on a 6 monthly basis, and provide a safe environment and good quality facilities to meet the basic needs of all residents. To improve the statutory definition of homelessness by ensuring that all forms of homelessness - rough sleeping, those in temporary accommodation and ‘sofa surfers’ - are recorded, requiring by law the measurement of single homelessness in England. Reminder: The conference is built around the themes of these pledges. We’ve had presentations & workshops covering: HB for young people, Universal Credit, health & multiple & complex needs, measuring homelessness, housing options for offenders, the Youht Housing Charter & presented research YHNE survey and NEHTT sanctions research.

4 Themes from today Little mention of homelessness before the election - but announcements since then will have an impact. Already most forms of homelessness have increased in the last 5 years- and set to increase more in the next 5 and possibly 10 years. Early intervention and prevention significantly cheaper than just responding. North East has higher rates of unemployment and homelessness. To challenge loss of HB for 18 – 21s: need to show how it will create further barriers for young people seeking employment; suggest essential exemptions through collaboration with national and regional partners. Need for a unified approach across the NE and to engage the housing providers. North East leading the way in challenging the lack of data on single homelessness

5 What next? NEHTT to review the Charter in light of conference feedback, adding specific actions to address each pledge endorsed by national partners. Recommend a standardised dataset across all sectors, link to health especially for people with multiple needs. Drive forward the Homes to Work agenda, for all ages. Promote YHNE Youth Housing Charter, along with rapid response services and a single worker for each young homeless person. Challenge the abolition of automatic HB for 18 – 21s. Work with housing and other sectors to provide a range of affordable housing.

6 Getting the messages out
@NEhomelessTT @YouthHomelessNE

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