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Utrecht Mobility management package “Focus on the user”

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Presentation on theme: "Utrecht Mobility management package “Focus on the user”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utrecht Mobility management package “Focus on the user”
The next step?

2 Presentation title New SUMP: Utrecht Attractive and Accessible Main choice #1: Focus on the user

3 Action Plan “Focus on the User” Goals: modal shift and safer behaviour

4 Presentation title Characteristics “Focus on the user”: Client and choice oriented; area oriented; positive; life changing moments

5 Focus on the user: a complete package
Big budget for small period (2 yrs) Need to get AND show results quickly Repeat own successes Copy successes from elsewhere Explore new areas Evaluation

6 Examples

7 Question 1: Strategy for a new action plan?
The challenges Question 1: Strategy for a new action plan? All targets group with smaller program, or few target groups with a strong program? Continue only proven successes, keep on exploring new areas (e.g. new segments)? Duration of the program: approach the same set of target groups during a longer period, or switch from target group to target group? Take into consideration political support and avoid negative publicity (E.g.“pampering elderly people, immigrant people etc”; “spending money not wisely”; …)

8 The challenges Question 2: How to involve 3rd parties as a way to reduce costs and to ensure continuation of the scheme? How to create a package that eventually can and will be executed more by parties in the cities themselves? (Employers do it, but they earn money by doing it.) Apart from (start-up) subsidies. How to get product developers involved without hampering competition (incl state support).

9 Presentation title End

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