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People and communities prompts

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1 People and communities prompts
This is a useful prompt to ensure that people and communities is covered and taught effectively towards the month age band.

2 People and communities
Celebrate the traditions, birthdays, successes and cultures within the setting. Make experiences relevant to the learners in your class. What do they do at home? Share photographs, pictures and cards. This will aid discussion and value each individual learner within the setting. Relate as many experiences to their personal home life as possible e.g. setting up the home corner with familiar resources, pictures of their local environment, pictures of their families, map of their local environment. This will ensure that the child have a positive, welcoming environment which will help them feel secure and confident to talk about what they can see. Encourage role play/ pretend play in the setting. Have real objects and pretend they are something else e.g. box for an aeroplane. This will encourage children to use their imagination and use talk to express their ideas and thinking. People and communities • Shows interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them. • Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience. • Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends. • Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life. • Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family. Ensure that there is a good parent/teacher relationship. Send home newsletters, individual certificates, rewards, pictures of their child's learning. This will provide a strong network and reflect on the child's attitude towards learning.

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