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Critical Thinking.

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1 Critical Thinking

2 Critical Thinking Examining ideas, information, and proposals.

3 Critical Thinking This involves:
Using your intelligence and knowledge to question, explore, and deal effectively with yourself, others, and life’s problems Developing your own view and conclusions of the world by examining ideas Supporting your personal views with reasons and evidence Discussing your ideas with others to test and enrich your thinking

4 Critical Thinking & Decision Making
Critical Thinking should be used during the decision making process

5 Critical Thinking Process
Testing ideas and solutions for flaws and errors. Being able to apply logic and make one’s own decisions.

6 Critical Thinking Process
Identify & describe a problem or situation Discriminate between fact and opinion List possible solutions and their consequences Identify personal and/or family values that conflict with the situation. Take a defensible position based on logic. EVALUTATE THE DECISION!

7 Steps to Making a Decision
Step 5: Evaluate results of the decision and accept responsibility for results of the decision. Step 4: Make a decision, plan and act on the decision. Step 3: Explore and evaluate possible solutions. Step 2: Brainstorm possible solutions. Step 1: Identify the problem. EVALUATE ACT EXPLORE BRAINSTORM IDENTIFY

8 Questions to ask yourself…
Is it against the law, rules, or the teachings of my family or religion? Is it harmful to me or others? Would it disappoint my family or other adults that are important to me? Is it wrong to do? Could I be sorry afterward? Would I be hurt or upset if someone did this to me?

9 What would you do? The wind howled outside, confusing the falling snow with the drifting mounds until the landscape was a white whirling blur. The window felt cold, but inside the air was warm . The glow of lamps added to the feeling of warmth, security, and comfort. It was pleasant to settle back and forget the blizzard outside.

10 Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out
Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out. The house was quiet; the refrigerator was no longer clicking on and off, the furnace has ceased to whir, the radio, TV and clocks had all stopped. The bubbling pot of stew on the stove stopped cooking and the biscuits in the oven fell. Even the washing machine and dishwasher stopped halfway through their cycles. No water flowed from the tap because the well pump was electric.

11 Major Concerns: How will we stay warm? How will we see in the dark?
How will we get water to the house? How will we eat? How will we wash our clothes? How will we get supplies to our home with the snow drifts around it? How will we cook?

12 Count the number of F’s Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years.

13 Answer There are: 6 (yes, that's six...) "F's" in that sentence.
Clues: 2 in the first line 3 in the second line none in the third line 1 in the last line...

14 Wolf, Rabbit, Lettuce A man comes to a river with a boat. He has with him a wolf, a rabbit and a head of lettuce. The man can only carry one single passenger besides himself in the boat. How can he get them all to the other side without the rabbit eating the lettuce, or the wolf eating the rabbit?

15 Answer First take the rabbit over. Then take the lettuce over and bring back the rabbit. Then take the wolf over and finally the rabbit.

16 What Am I? If you throw me from the window, I will leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but in the door, and You'll see someone giving life!

17 Answer The letter 'n'. wiNdow - widow door - doNor

18 What do the following words have in common?
Assess Banana Dresser Grammar Potato Revive Uneven Voodoo

19 Find out what the animals are!
for example, "To run away or escape" could be a "flea” hair-control foam very exposed tellin' falsities a lamenting cry a dull person a precious or loved one first you get a parking ticket, then you get this these make up a chain

20 Answer 1.Moose (Mousse) 2. Bear (Bare) 3. Lion (Lyin') 4. Whale (Wail) 5. Boar (Bore) 6. Deer (Dear) 7. Toad (Towed) 8. Lynx (Links)

21 What are the Answers? Tom’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh? Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die Who am I? What kind of room has no doors or windows?  What gets broken without being held?  What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? 

22 Answers Answer: Meat Answer: Fire Answer: A mushroom
Answer: A promise. Answer: A palm

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