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Mental Health Awareness Week

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1 Mental Health Awareness Week

2 What is Physical Health?
Physical health is a critical part of overall health and well-being. When something is wrong some of the most obvious and serious signs that we are unhealthy appear physically. We all hear about how looking after our physical health is important and how it keeps us healthy.

3 Keeping physically healthy…
Good for physical health: Physical activity/ regular exercise Nutrition and diet Rest and sleep  Bad for physical health Alcohol Drugs Poor diet Lack of exercise Lack of sleep If you are not ‘Physically feeling well’, what could you do? Rest Speak to someone Get advice of information Speak to your doctor/ GP Question: If you were concerned about a lump on your body or you injured yourself and it was hurting, would you go talk to some one about it? A parent, a friend or go to see a Doctor?...

4 What is mental health? Do we know as much about mental health?
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Good for mental health: Talking about your feelings - its okay not to be okay – what's not okay is to blame others and take out how we feel on those around us Keeping active - exercise improves mood through increasing brain serotonin levels (happy hormone). Eating well - a well balance diet (with a few treats!) Drink sensibly – stay hydrated, limit sugary drinks and alcohol (alcohol is a depressant) Keep in touch – talk to people, arrange to meet up, arrange to visit people you don’t regularly see Ask for help – if you are struggling, there is no shame in asking for help (if you had broken your leg, would you use crutches?) Take a break – life is busy and hectic, plan time to ‘chill’ Accept who you are – accept when you make mistakes and when you do things well. We are all different and can do things a different times and at a difference pace Do something you enjoy – if you enjoy something you’re usually good at it – enjoying yourself is the best way to keep mentally healthy

5 What can impact on our Mental Health?
Some of the things that negatively effect our mental health include: Bottling things up Avoidance Denial Lack of sleep Lack of exercise Sugary drinks Poor diet Alcohol Drugs Smoking Isolation – being alone Low self esteem Trauma Bereavement Anxiety Low mood Over thinking Over working Family issues Relationship issues Peer/ friendship issues Bullying Body image Stress Negative life events Question: If you were concerned about your mental health (your emotions, your thoughts), would you go talk to some one about it? A parent, a friend or go to see a Doctor?

6 Two sides of the same coin…. Physical & Mental Health
A clear distinction is often made between ‘mind’ and ‘body’. When talking about mental health and physical health, the two should not be thought of as separate. Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems and poor mental health can lead to an increased risk of developing poor physical health.

7 Mental Health Awareness Week… What is stress?
The stress response keeps us safe. Its prehistoric and makes sure we survive When we think there is a threat or danger, our brains react instinctively. Our brain floods our blood with hormones which prepares our bodies to react in two ways – flight (run away) or fight. This is great if we are faced with being chased by a lion… but our brain cant tell the difference between being chased by a lion or getting ready to sit a GCSE exam…. Research has shown that two thirds of us experience a mental health problem in our lifetimes, and stress is a key factor in this. Stress its self is not a mental health condition but by tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances, self-harm and suicide.

8 What is stress….continued
Some stress is good for us, it can keep us alert and give us the motivation to perform better in certain situations Stress is only good for us in small amounts but when stress is excessive and prolonged stress can lead to illnesses. In situations that make you feel threatened (someone being rude, something that is challenging) it can effect the way you behave, think and feel.

9 Signs and symptoms… Physical symptoms include:
Increase in blood pressure Increase in heart rate palpitations Faster breathing Headaches Muscle tension Pain Nausea Indigestion Dizziness Eating more or less Change in sleep habits Diarrhoea/ constipation Emotional and behavioural symptoms: Anxiety overwhelmed Irritability Low self esteem Withdrawal Indecisiveness Tearful/ upset Worry Mood swings Nervousness Anger irrationality Verbally and physically aggressive Lack of concentration

10 Feeling Stressed all the time…is dangerous
When the stress response is triggered all day long it is really bad for us, and can make us physically, mentally and emotionally unwell. Chronic stress can increase our risk of: Addictive behaviour Destructive behaviour Anxiety Depression Stress can increase our risk of physical health problems such as: Heart disease Insomnia Muscle pain Low immune system obesity cancer

11 How can you help yourself?
Realise when it is causing you a problem When is good stress no longer good? Identify the causes why are you stressed? what has happened? Review your lifestyle are you taking on too much? is life too hectic? It is really important that we manage our stress and keep it at a healthy level to prevent long term damage to our body and mind.

12 Ways to manage your stress…
Eat healthy – good food = good mood Sleep – restful sleep is key in reducing stress - no phone, no TV! Be aware of smoking and drinking alcohol - try not to or keep to a minimum, both can lead to further problems Exercise - relieves stress and tension improves mood through increasing brain serotonin levels (happy hormone). Talking about your feelings - its okay not to be okay – what's not okay is to blame others and take out how we feel on those around us Keep in touch – talk to people, arrange to meet up, arrange to visit people you don’t regularly see Ask for help – if you are struggling, there is no shame in asking for help (if you had broken your leg, would you use crutches?) Take a break – life is busy and hectic, plan time to ‘chill’ Accept who you are – accept when you make mistakes and when you do things well. We are all different and can do things a different times and at a difference pace. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Do something you enjoy – if you enjoy something you’re usually good at it –enjoying yourself is the best way to keep mentally healthy Be mindful – try practicing mindfulness regularly – download an app on your phone

13 Useful Organisations:
Need support ? Its okay to ask for help, if you feel that you are struggling to manage on your own. It is important to know that you can get help as soon as possible, and that you deserve to get better. Who can you speak to if you need help? A friend Boyfriend/girlfriend A parent/ carer A teacher Form tutor Pastoral team School nurse Attendance officer Senior Leadership Team Useful Organisations:

14 For more information, advice and support
…Did you know you have therapists in school, that can offer one off or more regular 1.1 sessions? Speak to a Wellbeing coach about how they could support you. KS4 Pastoral Team Mrs Celino Miss Wallace KS3 Pastoral Team Miss Lye Miss Roper Director of Mental & Physical Health Mrs O’Beirne Thank You, Please feel free to take a leaflet. Developed by M.Arnett

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