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EDPRAC 621A 27 Feb – 16 March 2012.

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1 EDPRAC 621A 27 Feb – 16 March 2012

2 Introductions Debora Lee Practicum Co-ordinator
Barbara Watson Associate Teacher Liaison Bridgit Williams Student Support Liaison Laurice Joicey Practicum Administrator Contact details in Practicum handbooks

3 Whakatauki: Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu Although they are small, children are precious

4 EDPRAC 621 Conceptualising Practice
Seven week practicum in two parts (A is 3 weeks and B is 4 weeks) A focus on competent communication, Building and maintaining relationships Understanding the EC context Integrating theory, research and practice

5 EDPRAC 621 A 27 February - 16 March three week introductory practicum
first practicum full time students started January 2012 part time students started January 2011 visited once by a university supervisor formative triadic assessment

6 A diverse group All are graduates with a range of degrees
Mature students with a wide range of life experiences Diverse cultural and language backgrounds A range of ECE experience Able to do this practicum in ‘home’ centre Students encouraged to bring ‘who they are’ to the practicum

7 Preparation Students well briefed on expectations
Student handbook familiarisation and initial tasks Range of support mechanisms Adult learners take responsibility Associate Teacher: Read the practicum handbook Have available relevant resources Get to know student

8 Course Work Students are engaged in studies in: Early Years Curriculum
Learning Theories Students are expected to make links between their course work and practicum experiences See Pg 8 of handbook

9 Possible Outcomes Pass - learning achieved for all learning outcomes, if any LOs are not met the practicum result is a fail Fail Provisional pass (dependent on subsequent passing of language course or assessment) all LOs must be met (apart from concern about language). A provisional pass must be confirmed with Barbara Backshall

10 Role of Associate Teacher
Provide opportunities for students to: refine practical experience by engaging with children, teachers and families construct new learning, knowledge and understanding try out ideas and theories to test and modify them in practice

11 Role of Associate Teacher
Discuss student responsibilities and participation/contributions Induct student into centre’s policies and programme Observe student’s teaching with reference to the learning outcomes Provide support, encouragement and challenge Provide regular, specific verbal and written feedback Model and discuss own assessment, planning, teaching, evaluating and reflecting processes and practice Monitor student’s progress carefully Discuss any concerns with student and university supervisor as soon as they arise Contribute to the triadic assessment process Complete weekly reports and final report. Return final report to practicum office See handbook (pp ) for student and US responsibilities

12 The triadic relationship
The relationship between the student, the Associate Teacher and the University Supervisor is designed to facilitate the student successfully completing practicum. Clear and open communication between all parties will ensure the optimum learning environment for the student A DVD on the triadic process is available on request

13 Documentation Portfolio evidencing learning outcomes, including links to GTSs and ‘Fit to be a teacher Criteria’ Three reflections per week ( ed to US and using a range of models. See handbook pp ) Appropriate permissions sought for observations and assessments Ensure student is aware of centre’s cybersafety policy and expectations around use of photographs

14 Feedback Give constructive feedback both verbally and in weekly written report Be specific about what the student is doing well and suggest next steps for them to consider in the ‘future directions’ section of report Discuss verbally the written feedback Be aware that the learning outcomes are to be achieved by the end of EDPRAC 621B (not this practicum)

15 If you have concerns Address them to the student teacher in the first instance and as soon as possible both verbally and in writing Contact the university supervisor. They will support you as appropriate Feel free to contact me for support xtn or

16 If a student is struggling
they will have received specific feedback about their practice and how they might improve the University Supervisor will be aware of the issue the weekly and final reports will refer to the concerns the practicum office will be alerted and remedial actions will be taken before the student proceeds to EDPRAC 621B

17 Support for Associate Teachers
Web Site Associate Teacher Handbook and meetings Practicum handbooks University Supervisor AT liaison Practicum Coordinator Triadic DVD Combined Associate Teacher Symposium

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