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First Grade Back to School Night!

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Back to School Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Grade Back to School Night!
Crawford-- welcome

2 First Grade Teachers Mrs. Blank Ms. Meister Mr. Yohn (Student Teacher)
Ms. Perry Ms. Fridinger Mrs. Crawford Mrs. Harris~ Special Educator Everyone introduce self… what teach

3 Daily Schedule 9:00-9:35 Arrival 9:35-11:20 Block 1 11:20-11:50 Lunch
11:50-12:15 Recess 12:15-12:45 Block 1 12:45-1:50 Block 2 1:50-2:50 Specials 2:50-3: Block 2 4: Dismissal *Mrs. Crawford’s Class will not switch Crawford

4 Curriculum Reading FUNdations (Word Study)
Writing– handwriting & grammar Math Science Social Studies Crawford

5 Reading Flexible grouping by ability and comprehension
Trade books, short stories, chapter books, poetry, and Wonders (Basal Reading Series) June Goal: Students will display fluency, decoding and comprehension strategies at Level J. Students will be able to respond to text in complete sentences using text support. Blank

6 High Frequency Words 6-7 words a week (about 25 words per month)
Practice in school & at home! Mastery: Read within 3 seconds without sounding out 200 words by end of year Crawford

7 Word Study Research indicates that systematic and explicit phonics instruction is effective for all children. FUNdations Follows a definite system No room for guessing Teaches all concepts directly Begins with letter-sounds and builds to reading and spelling two-syllable words Blank

8 Handwriting Focus on: Correct grip Production of letters
Size of letters Spacing between letters and words Crawford

9 Writing Focus on approaching writing as true authors do!
Do not xpekt all werds to be speld cereck Held accountable for high frequency words learned and rules learned in FUNdations Three types of writing: Informative Opinion Narrative Blank

10 Math 2-3 group model with hands-on approach using manipulatives that encourages Standards for Mathematical Practices Five Units: 1~Operations & Algebraic Thinking 2~Number & Operations in Base Ten (Place Value) 3~Number & Operations in Base Ten (Addition & Subtraction) 4~Geometry 5~Measurement Math Talks & Problem Solvers used to improve math communication Fact Strategies~ Add & Subtract 2, Doubles & Halves, Make Ten & Subtract from 10, Differences of 1 & Differences of 2 Meister

11 Social Studies Rules and Responsibilities Past and Present
Me and My Neighborhood Perry

12 Science It’s Alive Out of this World: Space Systems Best of Bugs Perry

13 Grading Student work that is used for assessment will be recorded as an O, S, or N O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement Meister

14 Student Responsibility
Communication Journal: Take home daily. Contains monthly calendars, sight words, parent letters, etc. Data Binder: Take home every other Thursday and returned to school on Friday SOS folders: Clean out daily, keep it neat! Math Game Envelope: Play when you can, return daily Reading Envelope: Read! Practice Words! Return daily Pencil Boxes: Supplies to be replenished as needed Blank

15 Homework NO formal, graded, written homework!
But… PLEASE practice sight words (weekly words) and math facts whenever possible! Incomplete classwork will be sent home in SOS folder to complete at home– children will not be penalized during recess 1st Grade calendar comes home each month in Communication Journal with reminders and special events Crawford

16 Discipline/R.O.A.R. ROAR program at Winfield to reward positive behavior in students Based on 4 major areas: ~Respect ~On-Task ~Attitude ~Responsibility Perry

17 Calm Down Corner Calming Corners will be used to give students a break as needed Taught strategies for breathing Taught how to identify and think through their emotions and reactions through Zones of Regulation Perry

18 Calm Down Corner Perry

19 Reflection Area Reflection Area used for minor behaviors (ex. calling out or disruption of teaching) Fill out a “Think Sheet” Reflect on what happened, how the action made others feel, what zone they were in, what would a better choice have been, how can you make it better Talk with teacher Perry

20 Think Sheet Perry

21 Zones of Regulation Perry

22 Extra Information Birthdays: School policy states that no food can be shared to celebrate birthdays 1 – 2 field trips will be taken this year! You MUST be volunteer trained 7 school days prior to the trip to be a chaperone! Meister

23 Volunteers Must update volunteer training each year!
Work directly with children 1-on-1, or in small groups Clerical work Work at home Need help right away with data binders! Blank

24 Classroom Donations Tissues Ziploc Bags of all sizes White Paper Bags
NEEDED FOR ALL KIDDOS!!!! Scissors Glue Tissues Ziploc Bags of all sizes White Paper Bags Glue Sticks & Dry Erase Markers… always! Additional items may be requested throughout the year! Thank you in advance!  Perry

25 Handouts Volunteer Form Going Beyond ‘How Was Your Day’
Standards of Mathematical Practice Reading Brochure Reading at Home Online Resources Crawford

26 Thank You We are looking forward to a productive and successful year with you and your child!

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