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How can Local and Popular Cultures be seen in the Cultural Landscape?

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Presentation on theme: "How can Local and Popular Cultures be seen in the Cultural Landscape?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can Local and Popular Cultures be seen in the Cultural Landscape?
Chapter 4 Section 4 Text pages How can Local and Popular Cultures be seen in the Cultural Landscape?

2 Cultural Landscape The visible human imprint on the landscape.
Sequent Occupation - Cultural imprints of successive societies on a place, contributing to the cultural landscape How have people changed the landscape? What buildings, statues, and so forth have they erected? How do landscapes reflect the values of a culture?

3 Placelessness The loss of uniqueness in a cultural landscape – one place looks like the next.





8 Ethnocentrism Judging others by one’s own cultural standards

9 Convergence of Cultural Landscapes #1: Diffusion of architectural forms and planning ideas around the world.

10 Convergence of Cultural Landscapes
#2: The widespread distribution of businesses and products creates distinctive landscape stamps around the world.

11 Convergence of Cultural Landscapes
#3: Borrowing of idealized landscape images blurs place distinctiveness. Skyscrapers and Urban Centers Shopping Centers Highways

12 Global-Local interaction
Global-local continuum What happens at one scale is not independent of what happens at other scales Glocalization The character of a place comes from interactions of local distinctiveness and smaller- scaled influences

13 House Types Kniffen’s traditional American house types New England
Mid-Atlantic Southern Tidewater

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