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Medical Terminology The Muscular System.

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1 Medical Terminology The Muscular System

2 Medical Terminolgy Combining forms/word parts Definition
my/o, muscul/o, myos/o muscles fasci/o fascia ten/o, tend/o tendon -cele hernia -lysis destruction -malacia abnormal softening epi upon -condyl condyle(tissue around elbow) -paresis weakness -sclerosis hardening

3 Medical Terminology Combining forms/word parts Definition bi- two
dys abnormal/painful fibr/o fiber -ia pertaining to -ic pertaining to kines/o movement -plegia paralysis -rrhexis rupture tax/o order; coordination tri three para near, along the side

4 Medical Terminology fasciitis fasci/itis
inflammation of the fascia(tissue around muscles) fascioplasty fasci/o/plasty surgical repair of the fascia tenorrhaphy ten/o/rrhaphy suturing of a tendon hemiplegia hemi/plegia paralysis affecting only one side of the body(half) paraplegia para/plegia paralysis affecting the lower(apart from) parts of the body quadriplegia quadri/plegia paralysis of all four extremities(involves injury to the spinal cord)

5 Medical Terminology myosclerosis myo/sclerosis
hardening of the muscle tissue myolysis myo/lysis break down of muscle tissue ten/o/plasty surgical repair of a tendon polymyositis poly/myos/itis inflammation of many(several)muscles what does RICE stand for? rest, ice, compression, and elevation

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