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The Electromagnetic Spectrum: X-Ray

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1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum: X-Ray
By: Tishana Dorsey 4A

2 Physical Description X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation.
The frequency of an x-ray is 3 x 10^16 Hz. The wavelength ranges from 0.01 to 10 nanometers The Quantum energy ranges from 100 eV to 100 keV. The Wave speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s or 300,000,000 meters per second.

3 Uses of X-rays The main use of x-rays is in medicine.
X-rays are used in hospitals to produce photographs of bones which can be checked for breaks or fractures. Mammograms use x-rays to look for breast cancer. Chest X-rays spot pneumonia

4 Determination of the source of the wave…..
Where could this wave possibly come from……? A German Physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered a new form of radiation in He called it x-radiation because he had no idea what this radiation was. It had the ability to pass through materials that absorb visible light,

5 Can X-rays help or harm the world generally….?
Actually, X-rays are both harmful and beneficial…... BENEFITS Treat malign tumors before it spreads throughout the human body. Help radiologists identify cracks, infections, injury, and abnormal bones. Help identify bone cancer. X-rays help in locating alien objects inside the bones or around them. Hazards X-rays makes our blood cells to have have higher level of hydrogen peroxide which could cause cell damage. There is a higher risk of getting cancer from X-rays. The X-rays are able to change the base of the DNA causing a mutation.

6 Occupation exposure limit...
How long can a person be exposed to x-radiation…… Persons under the age of 18 years are also limited to 0.5rem/year. The dose limit to non-radiation workers and members of the public are two percent of the annual occupational dose limit. Therefore, a non-radiation worker can receive a whole body dose of no more that 0.1 rem/year from industrial ionizing radiation. Eye dose: 15 rems (0.15sv) Shallow dose: whole body (skin) 50 rems (0.50 sv) Total Organ dose: any organ 50 rems (0.50 sv)

7 Fun Facts about….X-Rays!
Did you know…….. X-rays were first discovered over 100 years ago and were quickly applied to medical diagnostic use. The “X” in X-ray means unknown. Wilhelm Röntgen was experimenting with some vacuum tubes when he made the discovery. ( It’s crazy how you discover new things in everyday life.) He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his invention in 1901. X-rays can kill cancer cells, but also it can kill healthy cells, so one must be cautious when using x-radiation. X-rays are the oldest and most useful medical technologY. When you have an x-ray, you MUST wear a lead apron to protect certain parts of the body.

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