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Solariums SunSmart Unit.

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1 Solariums SunSmart Unit

2 How much do we already know?
As a class discuss the following statements Tanning on a sunbed is safer than tanning in the sun Solariums don’t increase the risk of getting a melanoma than sunbaking People who burn or never tan in the sun will be able to achieve a tan at a solarium The most common users of solariums are older men and women Getting a tan from a solarium will protect you from harmful UV rays during outdoor activities

3 Solariums Write the following description in your workbooks
A solarium is a device that uses artificial UV radiation to tan human skin. Other names for a solarium are sunbed, tanning unit, sun lamp, tanning bed or tanning booth. Solariums work by beaming strong artificial UV rays. The UV radiation activates skin cells to make the pigment part of your skin look tanned. Watch the two clips below and discuss as a class the effects of solariums “Tanning is Out Skin is In” “Clare Oliver”

4 Reducing the Risk Complete the following questions in your workbooks
List three changes you would make to your day-to-day activities at school to reduce your risk of sun burn and skin damage List three changes you would make on your day-today activities on the weekend to reduce your risk of sun burn or skin damage Look at your responses how are they linked to the 5 SunSmart messages? How you going to change your behaviour in the sun?

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