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Steve Brouwer Oceanic Fisheries Programme Pacific Community

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Brouwer Oceanic Fisheries Programme Pacific Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Brouwer Oceanic Fisheries Programme Pacific Community
How The data you provide contribute to analyses for your country Steve Brouwer Oceanic Fisheries Programme Pacific Community

2 National Scientists

3 Regular analyses FAD closure reports Longline reports
Country webpage updates NPOA and shark/seabird/sea turtle management plans

4 Longline reports Using logsheet catch & effort data as well as oceanography data

5 Using logsheet catch & effort data as well as observer and economic data
Due to lower CPUE in the FAD closure months days are less valuable at that time of year FAD closure reports If no FAD closure: on average vessels fishing in PI waters were estimated to make 5% more Overall effort has increased in Pacific Island waters since 2009 and has remained relatively stable over the last 5 years

6 But the distribution of effort between PNA members has also changed, benefitting some countries but not others Proportion of effort

7 NPOAs and exploratory fisheries
Use logsheet catch & effort data but very reliant on good observer data

8 Periodic requests Longline value
Using logsheet catch & effort data as well as observer, vessel and economic data


10 Set catch limit for Albacore
We can use these data to estimate how many vessels should fish in your waters Set catch limit for Albacore Estimate the expected hooks required Albacore CPUE CPUE and hooks set both vary across the fleet BET & YFT CPUE Estimate the bigeye and yellowfin bycatch Estimate the expected number of vessels Average hooks per set BUT the number of hooks matter so you need to limit those if you want to maintain catch rates and have no controls on catch

11 Big catch today increases the chances of a small catch tomorrow

12 Bioeconomic analyses Maximum profit Cost Profit $$$ Revenue Loss
Most profitable level of effort Cost Profit Revenue $$$ Break even point Loss Effort

13 Bioeconomic analyses Maximum profit $$$ Low cost Loss Effort

14 Bioeconomic analyses High cost Maximum profit $$$ Loss Effort

15 Bioeconomic analyses Medium cost $$$ Low revenue Effort

16 Low cost ($1.1/hook) per hook Or maximise the number of vessels to increase licence revenue Choose do you want to maximise profit for vessels. Medium cost ($1.5/hook) per hook High cost ($2/hook) per hook

17 One-off specialist analyses
Purse seine habitat analysis Using logsheet and observer catch & effort data as well as oceanographic data


19 E W N S

20 E W N S



23 Summary Providing logsheet and observer catch, effort and, vessel information allows us to do analyses that help you: Assess your fisheries Make informed management decisions and plans Plan fishing strategies and negotiations with countries/companies wanting access to your waters Develop underexploited stocks in your EEZ Shows where information gaps exist If there are any analyses that you would like us to do, just we can do the work for you or help you do it yourself through attachments

24 Questions?

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