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Flexible Transport Networks

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1 Flexible Transport Networks
Steven D. Robinson VP, Product Management Five Essential Elements of the NG Optical Network moving from static networks to dynamic networks What does a ROADM do? Which type is better? Key Technologies for 3rd Generation ROADM systems OEO vs. All Optical ROADMs Digital ROADM Hybrid Solution Intelligent Electrical & Optical Switching

2 Five Essential Elements of Next Generation Optical Networks
Fully Flexible Reconfigurability  Simple, Agile, Self Maintaining Systems Pay as You Grow Scalability  Start with 1 , grow by 1  Seamless upgrade to 100G (efficiently) Efficient Aggreg. & Switching  Integrated “ADM-on-a-blade”, BW efficient TRs Sub  switching, Carrier Ethernet Transport Multi-Degree Operation  Both Optical & Electrical Multi-degree Options Automated Network Planning  One time Node Engineering, GMPLS Control and Management Systems Plane & True “Point-and-Click” Provisioning Scott Design Networks in Minutes ROADM OPM O P M Mux ADM Up to 16 degrees West East

3 Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)
What is a ROADM? Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) ROADM Module ROADM Module O P M DROPs ADDs Key attributes of ROADM Module Fully Flexible, Remotely Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Automatic power equalization on inputs, outputs, adds, drops Optical Power Monitoring (OPM) of all channels Key benefits of ROADM Module Elimination of the OEO “Pass-through” tax  Wavelength Reuse  Scaleable Bandwidth (Start with 1 , grow by 1 ) Single Wavelength Granularity – No stranded bandwidth Fully Automated Optical Layer

4 WDM Optical Transport Technology Options
Fixed Port ROADM 2 Degree ROADM Blocker/IPLC with fixed filters OPM Splitter / Drop filters Add Filters/ Combiner O P M WB Module OEO Regen (Point-to-point DWDM) Multi-Degree WSS with fixed filters Fixed drops OPM Per  Optical Switch Multi-port Mux/Demux Fixed Adds FOADM Multi-Degree WSS ROADM with colorless ports Fully Flexible Multi-degree ROADM Per  Optical Switch Multi-port Mux/Demux OPM Drops O P M Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS) ROADM: Utilizes a single element to multiplex AND demux all express and all add/drop wavelengths Contains a built-in Optical Switch which can direct/select one or more wavelengths to/from any port Provides Automated, per channel equalization on all wavelengths Typically includes full Optical Power Monitoring on all wavelengths Can be configured for truly colorless ports for widely tunable lasers & dynamic wavelength management Can be modular (low first in costs) or fully installed on day one More cost effective than the Wavelength Blocker because MP-WSS uses a single element for mux AND demux of: All express  s and All Drop  s Full functionality of ROADM included in sub-system Enables lower system costs due to wide dynamic range equalization on all paths Real-time OPM on all adds, drops, inputs & outputs – enabling SONET quality shared protection switching Fully flexible add and drop ports enabling jumper-less provisioning, wavelength routing and dynamic wavelength management Superior filter function need to enable >16nodes cascaded, low cost wavelength sources, ring interconnection and 40G compatibility * Manages all wavelengths * Lower system cost * No OEO Pass-thru tax * Fully Flexible Ports enable:  Any  to any port  Supports Tunable lasers  Dynamic  Management  Jumper-less provisioning * Multiple wavelengths/drop port  Mesh node capability  Ring interconnection Tunable Filter

5 Why do customers like “All optical”
Source 1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1-12 21 All Optical ROADM : 42 Transponders 21 12 1 ILA 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 All OEO or “Digital Transport”: At least 380 Transponders ILA In many cases, “All optical” can dramatically reduce the number of unnecessary Transponders

6 OEO or ROADM Which is the better choice?
40 Gb/s Number of Pass-Thru Channels Bit Rate 10 Gb/s 2.5 Gb/s OEO Decision depends on: Bit Rate; Number of Wavelengths Topology & Traffic Patterns Switching Need (which determines # of pass-thrus vs # of drops) Size (# nodes and span length)  Amplify? Regen? Total Cost of Ownership (OPEX vs. CAPEX)

7 Multi-degree ROADM or OEO? Why be forced to choose?
All Optical ROADM Advantages: Fully Bit Rate Transparent 1G  10G  100G Per wavelength Scaleable 1  2    Lower Power Fully Automated Optical Layer Low Pass-thru costs OEO Advantages: Sub-Wavelength Switching Potentially Lower Terminal Costs (at full capacity) Simpler Optical Engineering Simpler Multi-Degree Operation Digital ROADM Node Multi-Degree ROADM Switch 2.5G Per WL OEO Switch 10G 40G 100G Multi-Degree OEO Switching

8 Digital ROADM Hybrid Node Lowest Overall Cost & Flexibility
Digital ROADM Node 2.5G 10G 40G 100G Maintain manageable regions of transparency All Optical ROADM Multi-Degree All Optical ROADM Per WL OEO Switch Multi-Degree Digital Switching TR TR All Optical Spur Topology Agnostic Traffic Pattern Agnostic Bit Rate Agnostic Simpler Optical Engineering Simpler Multi-Degree Operation Lower overall cost solution

9 Key Technologies used to Provide Flexible Transport Networks
Integrated Platforms Rapid Automated Network Planning Cross  Optical Switch w/ Integrated. Transport GMPLS Control Plane and End-to-End Management Widely Tunable Lasers Fully Automated Optical Layer Hot- Pluggable SFPs & XFPs Multi-Service ADM-on-a-blade Integrated Carrier Ethernet Transport True Point-and-click Planning & Provisioning AGC / Transient Controlled Optical Amplifiers (OAs) Integrated Optical Cabling Flexible, Transparent Optical Interfaces Fully Flexible WSS ROADMs ROADM Systems provide much more than just Wavelength Reconfigurability They provide a total “Agile Optical Network” Solution

10 Flexible Networks Summary
Customers have recognized that low OPEX is now just as important as the lowest CAPEX ROADM Modules are just one part of realizing the Next Generation Agile Optical Network Other technologies such as automated planning tools, widely tunable lasers, optical backplanes, Pluggables, and GMPLS can dramatically simplify planning, operation & management Selection of the right kind of ROADM is crucial to realizing these savings (Colorless Port, modular, WSS based ROADMs are the best choice) These systems must be designed from the ground up to realize their full potential (Bolt-on ROADMs don’t work) Digital ROADM Hybrid Solution may offer the best flexibility and lowest overall cost MP-WSS O P M Flexible Drops Flexible Adds WSS ROADMs, optical backplanes and widely tunable lasers dramatically simplify planning & management of networks and services. These new technologies allow operators to dynamically provision, reconfigure and power balance wavelengths with single wavelength granularity Network management of DWDM systems has been simplified to the point where a single person can setup, provision & maintain multiple networks.. Through the use of a GMPLS control plane and a flexible port ROADM, it is now possible to remotely manage a ROADM based network enabling “true” point-and-click provisioning. The result is a system that automates OAM&P, reduces provisioning time, more efficiently utilizes resources, increases service flexibility and substantially reduces CAPEX & OPEX. 2.5G 10G 40G 100G

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