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Monitoring VHE Extragalactic Sources with ARGO-YBJ detector

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring VHE Extragalactic Sources with ARGO-YBJ detector"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring VHE Extragalactic Sources with ARGO-YBJ detector
Min ZHA On behalf of ARGO-YBJ Collaboration 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, August , Beijing

2 Outline Goals Candidates Method Results and Discussion
Wide field of view & full duty circle of ARGO-YBJ Monitor rapidly flares from known extragalactic sources; Send an alert to the community; Candidates Method Results and Discussion

3 Mrk 421 monitoring ~6 σ July 2006 June 2008 Feb ~5 σ

4 Candidates 40 (31) extragalactic sources from R. Wagner; VHE-L3+C;
Crab  to monitor.

5 Method: Event Reconstruction
Data transferring to computer centers: Usually < 5 min. Time calibration Calibration data of previous period. Event selection for reconstruction: nHit>100; (~ 0.9o) In average 1.5 CPU hours for a raw file of 7 minutes. Space angle for a same set of data with 2 different calibrations: 0.02 (2 consecutive periods); 0.08 (2 periods with 30 days’ interval).

6 Method: Background Determination
Surrounding region method: Every sky cell has a hollow rectangular region as background; Signal region: In DEC  =1.8o In RA  /cos Background region: In RA wa=0.75 x  to wb= + 2o In DEC. wa x (/) to wb x (/) Acceptance ratio R: calibrated with real data of a month. L3+C Collaboration, APP, 33 (2010) 24

7 Shifting Sky Cells & time binning
Predefined sky cell; 66 shifts with a step of 0.3; Only top 24 nearest shifts are adopted. Excesses of 1, 2, 4, 8 transits of this source are calculated.

8 Chance Probability & alarm threshold
MC simulation techniques to sort out the correlated trials: Distribution does not depends on statistics. Alarming thresholds for two scenario: Once per 5 years for 33 sources: 5.04 s.d. Once per 5 years for 1 single source: 4.30 s.d.

9 Category of Sources (i) Known flaring sources: (ii) Others:
MKN421, as detected by ARGO-YBJ; Threshold: 4.30 s.d. (ii) Others: Not detected by ARGO-YBJ yet; Threshold: 5.04 s.d. Elevation mechanism for a source: If once detected with significance > 5.04 s.d.; Or other analysis method once found its flares; Elevated from (ii) to (i).

10 Alarming & Summary Emails
Some crucial plots are also attached with these s!

11 Test with MKN 421

12 Following-up Analysis
Instant analysis: 2-dimensional analysis; Within 2 hours. Manual analysis: Check other observations.

13 Monitoring Status Method is firstly established in June 2010;
A test run for 2008/01-06, 2010/01-06: 3 known flares have been detected successfully. Have been continuously monitoring all 33 sources since July 2010; All past 3 years’ data have been analyzed by the end of 2011/07: No flares except MKN421 have been found; The biggest excess is s.d. from M82.

14 Most Significant Excess
Excess: s.d.; 8 days; 2009/04/08-04/16.

15 Test with MKN421 For past 3 years’ data:
4 excesses above the threshold 4.30 s.d.; Among them, 3 are confirmed as flares already by other methods.

16 Conclusions A real-time monitoring & alarming system to known extragalactic sources is established; The past 3 years’ data have been analyzed; Except Mkn421, no flare phenomenon from these sources are detected; An occurrence analysis indicates several other sources may have ever flared, but further evidences are required.


18 Candidate Sources? 6 sources show low chance probabilities < 0.6 (~1/5 years): MKN 421, 1ES , 1ES , 3C 66A , M82, VHE L3+C. cleaned-up suspicious


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