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The Campbell Group, Inc. Management Consulting Business Development Federal Relations Science Advisory Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Campbell Group, Inc. Management Consulting Business Development Federal Relations Science Advisory Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Campbell Group, Inc. Management Consulting Business Development Federal Relations Science Advisory Services

2 I HAVE BEEN TO THE WILD WEST OF NoN…. …and it was not that wild once the engineers got a hold of it!

3 Lesson Learned and Joining Forces Governance and Framework Funding to NoN Members to Develop Governance Approaches Legislative Mandates Execution as Important as Advocacy Appropriations Challenges Competing Interests, Siphoning Off of Resources

4 IOOS + NIDIS Design Collaboration = Lower Life Cycle Costs for both Initiatives Viable IEOS Baseline-Enhanced NOAA Technological and Intellectual Leadership in Environmental Data Management -Sustainable Business Model Cooperative Advocacy IOOSNIDIS AGENCIES DoD (USN, DARPA, USACE) DOC (NOAA), NSF, NASA, DoE. EPA. DHS (USCG) DoI USGS,MMS), DOS, OSTP, OMB USDA (ARS, CSREE, FSA, FS, NASS, NRCS, RMA), DOC (NOAA, ITA), DoE (OEDER, OEERE, OS) DHS (FEMA) DoI (BIA, BLM, BOR, NPS, USFWS, USGS) DoT (FAA, FHA, STB), DoD (USACE), EPA, FCA, FERC, IRS, USITC, NASA, NSF, SBA Governance Interagency coordination directed by Interagency Group on Ocean Observations (IWGOO); implemented through Consortium on Ocean Leadership ( COL); regions coordinate via National Federation of Regional Associations (NFRA) Interagency coordination directed by NIDIS Executive Council implemented through NIDIS Program Office, Pilots to coordinate through NIDIS Program Implementation Team Lead Agency NOAA (NOS) NOAA (CPO) System Architecture National Backbone + 11 Regional Development National portal + multiple Regional Pilot Developments System Prototypes Data Integration Framework (DIF - activity led out of NOAA/NOS/IOOS PMO) US Drought Portal (USDP- activity led out of NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC) Current Operational Status Several regions provide data and service but not in a coordinated fashion US Drought Portal is available but development continues; Pilots initiated in FY09

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