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The Bahamas! By: Dena Cheung and Melany Fornaris

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Presentation on theme: "The Bahamas! By: Dena Cheung and Melany Fornaris"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bahamas! By: Dena Cheung and Melany Fornaris
Correctly answer each question to learn 10 Bahama facts. Copy them down to keep track. If a question repeats, you’ve made a mistake along the way.

2 What is the Longitude and Latitude of the Bahamas?
1. 24˚N, 76˚W 2. 40˚N, 74˚W 3. 32˚N, 110˚E 4. 32˚S, 141˚E

3 Congratulations, You’ve solved all 10!!
Or have you? If not, go back to start…

4 What is the flag of the Bahamas?

5 What is the national bird of the Bahamas?
Toucan Cockatiel Flamingo Parakeet

6 What is the national fish of the Bahamas?
The Blue Martin Jelly Fish Blow Fish Clown fish

7 Which is the most endangered animal in the Bahamas?
Basilisk Anaconda Humans Hutias

8 How many islands does the Bahamas have?
30 500 120 700

9 What is the most poisonous snake of the Bahamas?
Mamba There isn’t one Rattle Snake King Cobra

10 What mysterious place is near the Bahamas?
Bermuda Triangle A Mummy Tomb Machu Picchu Easter Island

11 What do the colors of the flag stand for?
Gold – money, Blue - the waters that surround the Bahamas, Black - the black triangle stands for unity Gold - the sands of the nation, Blue – dolphins, Black - the black triangle stands for unity Gold - the sands of the nation, Blue - the waters that surround the Bahamas, Black - the black triangle stands for unity Gold - the sands of the nation, Blue - the waters that surround the Bahamas, Black - death

12 What is the highest point in the Bahamas?
Mount Vernon Mount Alvernia Mount Logan Mount Everest

13 Oh poo.. You’re lost. Low # High #

14 I have three colors

15 I’m self conscious of my legs

16 Gee… I like the background.

17 I have an odd name

18 THAT MANY????

19 You wouldn’t believe this…

20 This makes a shape

21 A nation surrounded by the sea can always be united.


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