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The Giver Lowis Lowry.

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1 The Giver Lowis Lowry

2 Science Fiction Form of fiction (fake) that deals with the effect of actual or possible science upon society or individuals. Science fiction- time travels, space travel, aliens, technology, robots, computers, alternative worlds, cloning, alternative life forms, ethics (right and wrong), morality, disease, climate, social problems, military powers Science fiction texts are often set in the future, in space, on a different world, or in a different universe or dimension.

3 On Your Own Think about what you know about identity. Look up the definition of “identity.” In your RRJ write down any ideas and characteristics of your identity that you can think of. What makes you unique and who you are? - When your classmates share their understanding of “identity” add on to your own notes to gain a broader understanding of the term!

4 IN GROUPS In your group discuss the pros and cons of a big family and the pros and cons of a small family. Think beyond just saying one is small and one is a big family. Think of the events that a small family could do and a large one couldn’t, the communication in both, money issues, and many more elements of the two. After you define all the pros and cons, move back to your seat and write a paragraph in your RRJ that describes which you prefer and why. Use the pros and cons you have listed to support your argument.

5 With a Group… What is a Utopia?
Use the following websites to research the concept of “Utopia.” In your own words tell what a utopia is. What would your utopia look like? How is your life like this imagined utopia and how is it not?

6 1. Intrigued (p.1) My sister told me she had a secret, I was intrigued! A. B. C. 2. Navigational (p.2) I don’t know what I would do without my car’s navigational system! 3. Supplementary (p.7) If a child is struggling with a subject, the teacher may give him/her supplementary materials to help. 4. Aptitude (p.15) An example of someone who possesses aptitude is a student who excels in math well beyond his grade level. 5. Reluctantly (p.22) When Trevor asks for my phone I usually give it to him reluctantly. 6. Tabulated (p.28) The information was tabulated daily. 7. Palpable – (p. 3) Her grief was so present, it was palpable. 8. Apprehensive – (p. 4) She was very apprehensive about the upcoming test.

7 The Giver Vocab Ch1-4 Part I
Intrigued- curious, fascinated Navigational- the process of getting something where it needs to be Supplementary- in addition to, extra Aptitude- ability, skill, talent, gift, propensity Reluctantly- hesitantly, grudgingly Tabulated- charted, arranged, formulated Palpable- tangible, intense, real, profound Apprehensive- anxious, uneasy, worried, tense

8 Giver Vocabulary Chapters 1-4 Part II
9. Pondered – p. 6 (I pondered over where to go to college for ahwile.) 10. Transgression – p. 9 (If anyone will forgive her transgression, it will probably be her mother.) 11. Chastisement (Chastise) – p. 20 (For acting up in class he definitely deserves some type of chastisement.) 12. Petulantly – p. 22 (“Where’ve you been?” Om demanded petulantly 13. Hoarded – p. 23 (I hoarded my Halloween candy when I was little since my parents rarely let me have sweets!) 14. Nondescript – p. 24 (She’s dressed casually, in a nondescript coat and pants.) 15. Gravitating – p. 47 (When I’m feeling uncomfortable at an event I can typically be found gravitating to the people I know best.) 16. Chortled – p. 33 (The students chortled behind their hands at their private joke, as if we didn't notice.)

9 9. Pondered – To think about deeply, consider
10. Transgression – To break the rules, misbehavior 11. Chastisement (Chastise) – Punishment, scolding 12. Petulantly – Grumpy, in a bad mood 13. Hoarded – To store, hide away 14. Nondescript – Plain, having no interesting or remarkable characteristics 15. Gravitating –Moving towards 16. Chortled – Laughed, a noisy gleeful laugh

10 Questions for Chapter 1 Question 4
Question 1 What word does Jonas decide best describes his feelings about December? A. Apprehensive B. Excited C. Dread D. Hopeful Question 2 What was the worse thing that could happen to a member of the community? A. Being silenced B. Being publicly shamed C. Never having children D. Being "released" Question 3 A year earlier, what had frightened Jonas and his community? A. Many unexplained deaths B. A needle-nosed jet C. An earthquake D. The delay of cold weather Question 4 What does Jonas's family do every night after dinner? A. Perform their individual chores B. Share their feelings C. Sing around the piano D. Read Question 5 Why must Asher apologize to his community? A. For being late B. For speaking out of turn C. For lying D. For not being prepared

11 In groups In “The Giver” if you’re “a seven”, what do you think that means? What do you think of the nighttime ritual in Jonas’s home? Who gets “released” and what do you think that means? From what you’ve read so far, describe the community/society Jonas lives in.

12 Questions for Chapter 2 1. What happens every December?
2. What happens when children become Ones? Nines? 3. Who is Gabriel and why is Jonas’ father worried about him? 4. Why is the ceremony of 12 so important? 5. What things do Jonas’ parents share with him about their memories of their assignments and of their friends’ assignments?

13 Questions for Ch.3 1. What similarity is there between Jonas and Gabe? Who points it out? 2. In Jonas’s society how are “differences” amongst others viewed? How do you know? 3. What are comfort objects? What eventually happens to these objects? How do you feel about that? 4. What job is not considered an honor in Jonas’s society? What does this job entail? 5. Why does Jonas break a rule by taking an apple out of the recreation area?

14 Chapter 4 Questions Why did Jonas often choose not to do his volunteer hours with his best friend, Asher? Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not? What happens when you become an “eight”? If Jonas received an “A+” on an assignment do you think he would tell all his friends? Why or why not? What do they do before an elderly is released? What do they talk about? What did Jonas do in the House of the Old? From what you’ve read, describe the House of the Old.

15 With a Group Discuss what you think the elders would choose as your assignment and why. From the specific jobs you’ve heard about so far in The Giver which would you choose if given the choice? Why?

16 Chapter 5 Questions 1. What does Jonas’s family’s morning ritual include? Why does Jonas rarely participate? 2. What was the dream Jonas had? 3. What are the “stirrings”? Why do you think a pill was devised to stop them? 4. What were the conflicting feelings Jonas had regarding his dream, the “stirrings”, and the pill he now had to take?

17 Vocabulary 11-21 Chapters 5-8
1. Interdependence Children are required to work together to learn interdependence. 2. Reprieve Since Sara always did her homework she was given a homework pass as a temporary reprieve. 3. Relinquish Since Bonnie did not follow the rules regarding cell phones she had to relinquish her phone to the teacher. 4. Congregated When the teacher stated she had an announcement the students congregated to the front of the room. 5. Meticulously After completing her homework she meticulously reviews each question to make sure there are no errors.

18 6. Profound The scientist made a profound discovery changing the way we would live! 7. Retroactive Once the contract goes through we will receive retroactive pay to get paid for the days we already worked. 8. Crescendo The sound began as light pecks on the window, and quickly grew to a crescendo of crashing rocks 9. Benign It was a benign gesture, as she meant no harm by it. 10. Indolence The lazy boy admitted that his failure was probably due to his own indolence.

19 Vocab chapters 5-8 1. Interdependence – Unable to exist or survive without each other 2. Reprieve – To stop punishment, temporary relief, pardon 3. Relinquish – To give up, surrender, abandon 4. Congregated – Assembled, gathered together 5. Meticulously – Accurately, precisely, exactly 6. Profound – Deep, thoughtful, intense, extreme 7. Retroactive – Related to things that happened in the past as well as the present, retrospective 8. Crescendo – Increase, buildup, climax, increase in volume 9. Benign – Harmless, not a threat, kind, benevolent 10. Indolence – Laziness, lethargy, inactivity, lazy

20 Questions for Chapters 6-7
1. Why did children under the age of 6 wear jackets with buttons down their backs? 2. What was the first sign of independence in Jonas’s community and what was given to the children that symbolized their growing up and moving into the community and away from their family unit? 3. Why didn’t Gabriel get placed into a family at the ceremony although he was a 1? What did Jonas’s father do for him? 4. What happens if a child dies? How do you feel about that? 5. Where do you go when you are “released”?

21 6. When is the only time that differences are acknowledged
6. When is the only time that differences are acknowledged? Why are they acknowledged at this time? 7. What happened often to Asher when he was 3 years old? Why? 8. What assignment was Asher given? Do you think this is fitting? Why or why not? 9. What happened at the ceremony that made Jonas worried? 10. How do people get spouses and children?

22 Chapter 8 Questions 1. How did Jonas feel when after knowing his number was skipped, the Chief Elder called him to stage? 2. What was Jonas selected for? 3. How do you think Jonas’s parents felt about this? Why do you think that? 4. What qualities does Jonas exhibit that made the elders select him? 5. How would you feel if you were Jonas? Why?

23 In a Group What is the difference between being “assigned” and being “selected”? The Chief Elder stated Jonas has the “Capacity to See Beyond”. What do you think this means? Why does Jonas think this may be true even though he never heard of it before?

24 Vocabulary Chapters 9-12 1. Requisitioned – When Jonas slammed his finger in the door his mother quickly requisitioned relief-of-pain medication. 2. Intricate The quilt had such intricate designs it must have taken a long time to make. 3. Conspicuous She changed the room around and the most conspicuous difference was that the rows had been put into tables. 4. Diminish After taking the pain medication, his pain diminished. 5. Successor President Trump is President Obama’s successor. 6. Exhilarating Many people describe skiing as exhilarating.

25 7. Tentatively I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, but when my alarm went off I opened my eyes tentatively. 8. Conveyance He was building vessels for the conveyance of live cod. 9. Phenomenon After observing the odd phenomenon in the haunted house, the owner quickly moved out. 10. Admonition Cynthia's admonition to be careful echoed in his ears—but someone might be down there.

26 Vocabulary Chapters 9-12 1. Requisitioned – Demanded, requested, seized 2. Intricate – Complicated, complex, elaborate 3. Conspicuous – Obvious, noticeable, visible, clear 4. Diminish – Reduce, shrink, lessen, fade out 5. Successor – Heir, replacement, inheritor 6. Exhilarating – Exciting, thrilling, invigorating 7. Tentatively – Hesitantly, cautiously, timidly 8. Conveyance – Delivery, transport from one place to another 9. Phenomenon – A strange occurrence, wonder, 10. Admonition – Warning, caution, advice

27 Chapter 9 Questions 1. Why do you think Jonas feels separate? Different? 2. Do you think Jonas is imagining it when he feels he’s being treated differently? How do you think his friends feel towards him now? 3. What indicated the highest degree of disgrace and who did this last happen to? 4. Which of Jonas’s rules do you find most strange? Why? Why do you think that particular rule is mandated? 5. What rule upset Jonas the most and why?

28 With Your Group Go over and discuss each rule. How does Jonas feel about each rule? Which rule totally changed Jonas’s entire perception of his life and everyone he knows? Explain how you would feel if you were in Jonas’s shoes?

29 Chapter 10 Questions 1. How is Jonas treated by the secretary? Why do you think this surprises him? 2. What is different at the Receiver’s home? 3. Page 78, what does this mean: “I am so weighted with them.”? 4. How do you feel about the fact that Jonas’s community does not have access to all the books that you do? Why do you feel that way?

30 Chapter 11 Questions 1. What is the first memory Jonas receives?
2. What is Jonas’s reaction to this memory? 3. Why does Jonas not know about what he experienced in the memory? How do you feel about that? 4. What is the second memory Jonas receives? 5. What is the third memory Jonas receives? 6. Who is The Giver? Why do you think this is his new title?

31 In a Group Jonas suggests bringing snow and hills back because the memory of them that he received was so pleasant. The Giver explains he can not do that, that although he is the most honored in their community he has no power. What is the difference between honor and power?

32 Chapter 12 Questions 1. How is baby Gabriel doing?
2. Why is it easier than Jonas thought to not share his experiences when all of his friends are during their recreation time? 3. What happened to Jonas in this chapter that makes him believe he has the Capacity to see Beyond? 4. This chapter explained what has been happening to Jonas when he notices these changes….what is happening? 5. Explain “Sameness”. What does it mean? How does Jonas feel about it? Use evidence from the text to support your response.

33 Vocab Chapters 13-17 (Pages 97-138)
1. Vibrance She usually had such a vibrance about her that when we saw her so lackluster we knew she was sick. 2. Skeptically “Did you really?” Kim asked skeptically when Jonathon told her he cleaned his room. 3. Chaos The teacher left no plans for the substitute so chaos ensued in the classroom. 4. Assimilated It was not easy for Pina to come to a new country, but eventually she assimilated. 5. Assuage A nurse might assuage someone's pain with the distribution of medicine.

34 6. Distended After Thanksgiving dinner Susan’s stomach was quite distended. 7. Placidly The leaf floated placidly on the river current. 8. Imploring She gave him an imploring look while asking for help with cleaning her room. 9. Pervaded The fragrance of freshly baked cookies pervaded every nook and corner of her home. 10. Realm My father lives in a realm full of happiness.

35 Vocab Chapters 13-17 31. Vibrance – Lively, animated, energetic, vivid
32. Skeptically – Doubtfully, uncertainly, disbelievingly 33. Chaos – Disorder, confusion, bedlam, unruliness 34. Assimilated – Integrated, adapted, incorporated, blended in, to integrate someone into a larger group so differences are minimized 35. Assuage – To provide relief, ease, lessen, alleviate 36. Distended – Swollen, bloated, enlarged, expanded 37. Placidly – Calmly, peacefully, gently, serenely 38. Imploring – Begging, pleading 39. Pervaded – To spread through, permeated, infused 40. Realm – Kingdom, empire, land, territory, area

36 Chapter 13 Check for Understanding
1. What causes Jonas frustration? 2. What is Jonas’s first disturbing memory? 3. Is the Giver married? Explain about his marriage relationship and why it was difficult. 4. Why is a Receiver necessary in the community? 5. What does Jonas try to do when he’s not with the Giver to his friends/family?

37 In a Group 1. Why does Jonas often feel angry at his peers? Can you relate to this? If so, how? 2. Why does Jonas’s community feel “Sameness” is important? What are some problems with “Sameness”. What is the main thing missing because of “Sameness”?

38 Chapter 14 Check for Understanding
1. What memory brought Jonas real pain? Describe the memory and how he felt afterwards. 2. Why is Jonas beginning to feel alienated/different/less emotionally close to his family? 3. What example did the Giver provide of how his wisdom comes in handy when the elders need advice? 4. How does Jonas now feel about being chosen as Receiver? Why does he feel that way? 5. What happened with Gabriel that frightened Jonas that he decided not to tell the Giver about? 6. Why can’t everyone have memories to share? 7. What happens when a birth mother has twins?

39 Chapter 15 Check for Understanding
1. Why did the Giver ask for Jonas’s forgiveness? What memory did he give to Jonas in this chapter?

40 Chapter 16 Check for Understanding
1. How does Jonas feel about being the Receiver? 2. What joyous memories has Jonas experienced at this point in his training? 3. What was the Giver’s favorite memory? 4. What do you think of the fact that Jonas never thought about the fact that his parents had parents? 5. What happens after children leave their dwelling with their parents? What happens with the relationship between them and their parents? 6. What led up to Jonas’s first lie to his parents? 7. What is happening with Gabe? 8. What did Jonas do that was against the rules?

41 Chapter 16 With A Group Discuss with your group what happened that made Jonas lie to his parents? How do you think that conversation made him feel? Although there is no hunger or pain or war in Jonas’s way of life, what is his community missing out on?

42 Chapter 17 Check for Understanding
1. What makes Jonas happy at the beginning of this chapter? 2. Why does that happiness soon turn to sadness? 3. What does Jonas now feel about the feelings that are labeled at each evening meal? Lily’s anger…mother’s sadness? 4. What is Lily’s talent according to her mother?

43 Vocabulary for Chapters 18-23 (Pages 139-179)
1. Ruefully With tears in their eyes, the little boys ruefully apologized for breaking the window. 2. Wretched The headache made Denisse feel wretched. 3. Emphatically Danny wiped crumbs off his mouth while emphatically insisting he did not eat a cookie. 4. Solace When Emily gets scared at night she finds solace in her blanket. 5. Stealthily After putting Emily to sleep, Chris crept stealthily out of the room so that he wouldn’t wake her.

44 Severe lethargy usually accompanies the flu.
6. Languid After a stressful day at work, I am going to enjoy a languid walk through a quiet park. 7. Augmented If I want to augment the size of the cake I will need to double the amount of ingredients. 8. Vigilant Although this highway is beautiful, you need to stay vigilant for deer that might jump out. 9. Lethargy Severe lethargy usually accompanies the flu. 10. Impeded If you do not eat when you are sick, the lack of nutrients may impede your recovery.

45 Chapters (Pages ) 1. Ruefully – Regretfully, remorsefully, apologetically 2. Wretched – Miserable, heartbroken, despicable 3. Emphatically – Forcefully, insistently 4. Solace – Comfort, consolation, support, relief 5. Stealthily – Quietly, slyly, cautiously, secretly 6. Languid – Lazy, indolent, lethargic, sleepy 7. Augmented – Increased, improved, boosted 8. Vigilant – Watchful, attentive, alert, aware 9. Lethargy – Sluggishness, fatigue, exhaustion 10. Impeded – Obstructed, hindered, delayed, blocked, slowed down, got in the way of

46 Chapter 18 Questions 1. Who was Rosemary?
2. What happened to Rosemary and its impact on the community? 3. What do Jonas and the Giver contemplate (think about) on page 145? Explain your thinking. 4. How does Jonas’s relationship with his parents compare/contrast to his relationship with the Giver?

47 Chapter 19 Questions 1. What do you find out about release?
2. Do you think that is what Jonas expected? Why or why not? 3. How do you think Jonas feels after having seen a release? What evidence from the text supports your response? 4. Infer why identical twins are not allowed in the community. 5. Why do you think the Giver encouraged Jonas to see the video of release? Do you think he should have done this? 6. How did seeing the release change Jonas’s feelings of his father.

48 Chapter 20 Questions 1. How is Jonas acting and feeling after the new knowledge he has obtained? 2. How does the Giver try to make Jonas feel better? 3. What are Jonas’s and the Giver’s insights (feelings about) memories? 4. Which of the senses did the Giver have? 5. What plan do they come up with to create change in their community? 6. Who do we discover was the Giver’s daughter?

49 Chapter 21 Questions 1. Why did the plan change?
2. How did he know his community was looking for him? 3. How did they hide? Describe Jonas’s technique. 4. What was happening to Jonas’s memories? 5. How does Jonas staying over night with the Giver lead to the decision to release Gabriel? 6. How does Jonas nurture Gabriel more than the nurturers do? Explain the irony in the infants’ caretakers being called Nurturers.

50 Chapter 22 Questions 1. How was the landscaping changing as Jonas and Gabriel continued on their journey? 2. What are the new dangers they are facing? 3. What are they seeing that they have never seen before? 4. When they become desperate Jonas starts thinking he may have made the wrong choice by leaving. Why? How did he eventually decide that he made the right choice? The only choice? 5. What is Jonas most scared about?

51 Chapter 23 Questions 1. What was the weather like?
2. What happened to the bicycle? 3. How did the book end? 4. How did you like the ending?

52 Project A. Students will pretend they are part of the Committee of Elders creating a poster for someone attending the Ceremony for the first time. In the poster they must explain what happens at the Ceremony. They must include all they know about what each age group receives and why. B. Students will pretend they are a 12 in the community and will create a pamphlet for another 12 in another community explaining what life is like in their community and what happens at the annual ceremony. Students must include all they know about each age group and what they receive and why. C. Students will pretend they are a parent in the community and they must prepare a speech for their 4 year old who wants to know what the Ceremony is about. Speech must be geared towards a 4 year old and must address what happens at the Ceremony to each age group and why.

53 Do All Three A) The end of The Giver leaves you hanging. Rewrite the ending in detail so the reader knows exactly what happened to Jonas and Gabriel. Make it detailed and creative! Or create an alternate conclusion. You need dialogue and it needs to be more clear than the original ending. B) Create a chart listing 5 distinct features of Jonas’s community. Next to each detail explain if you would include this in your “utopia”… why or why not? For example: Children age 6 wear jackets with the buttons down their back to learn interdependence. - I would not include that in my utopia because there are more ways to learn interdependence and in my utopia I wouldn’t want everyone having to wear the same things and I would want the members of my utopia to be able to get dressed on their own without needing assistance every single time. C) What could a possible theme of The Giver be. What point is made clear from this novel? Explain.

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