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Antigone Sophocles.

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1 Antigone Sophocles

2 Ancient Greece Athens

3 Ancient Greece Divided into city-states = polis
4th-6th Century superpower in Mediterranean 510 B.C. Athens = 1st democratic polis 441 B.C. Antigone 440 = Fighting with Persian Empire Military money builds Parthenon, etc

4 Women in Ancient Greece

5 Women in Ancient Greece
Patriarchal society Defined boundries 3 classes of women: Wives: respectable, stayed at home, weaved, created art Concubines: poor women, prostitutes Hetaerae: highly educated, companions to males

6 Women in Ancient Greece
Women = spoils of war Many important gods are women Athena (wisdom, war, art) Displayed on pottery-dancing girls and prostitutes = no respect for women

7 Women in Ancient Greece
Role in funerals Lead funeral procession Carry libations Followed by male relatives **all this but not allowed to watch Olympics!

8 Greek Tragedies 600-200 B.C. –before Shakespeare!
Plays performed in the daytime Little to no makeup Masks with exaggerated facial expressions Tragedy competitions

9 4 Parts to Greek Tragedy Prologue: describes the situation and sets the scene Parados: an ode sung by chorus as it enters 5 dramatic scenes: followed by a komos (exchange of sadness by chorus and protagonist) Exodus: climax and conclusion

10 Sophocles Born 497 B.C. Influential writer Wealthy family
123 plays; 7 survive Tragedies Addition of 3rd actor Emphasis on human conflict rather than with gods

11 Oedipus

12 Antigone

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