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Democratic Republic of Congo

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1 Democratic Republic of Congo
Unit 7: Africa

2 Vast Potential of DRC Territory Agriculture Mineral Resources
1/4th size of USA Agriculture Suitable Conditions to grow a variety of Crops. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Cotton Mineral Resources Use to be Major Producer of Precious Metals Diamonds, gold, Cobalt Instability has slowed production 71% Below Poverty Line Mining for Cobalt

3 Valuable Resources of DRC

4 History of Congo Belgium Controlled until 1960s
Did little to prepare for independence Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba Leader of Independence movement Elected Prime Minister Country descended into Civil War Lumumba overthrown and murdered in jail.

5 Joseph Mobutu Overthrew Gov’t in 1975 Kleptocracy Cold War Politics
Renamed Congo  Zaire Mobutu “Sese Seko” Kleptocracy Ruled By thieves 15-20% or state budget went to Mobutu 71 million from Nat. Bank. Worth 5 billion by ‘80s Cold War Politics

6 Tensions on the Rise Cold War Ends Rwandan Genocide Hutu Death Squads
So to does support for Mobutu Rwandan Genocide 800,000 Tutsis massacred Hutu Death Squads Flee in to Zaire Mobutu was weak dying of cancer Border became powder keg of unresolved ethnic disputes

7 Boiling Point 1996 Rwanda invaded Install Laurent Kabila
Want to destroy what is left of the death squads Install Laurent Kabila Relationship sours Failed to remove Hutu Militias

8 African World War Unit 7: Africa

9 Unfinished Business Boils Over into an African World War
Why does a country start a war? Defense Ideological Disagreement Political Disagreement Resources Congo and 9 Nations around it sit on riches part of the planet Uranium, diamonds, gold, oil, etc.

10 Who’s Involved? 6 Nations and 9 Rebel Groups How does it start?
Rwanda displeased with Kabila (THEY PUT HIM IN POWER!!!) 1998 began support for Congolese Rebel groups

11 Who Else is Involved? Rwanda and Uganda Angola (DRC’s Side)
Support Rebel Groups Trying to oust Kabila Kabila has allied with Hutu Angola (DRC’s Side) Needs Kabila ‘s help to fight its own Rebel Groups (Unita) Namibia (DRC’s Side) Allies with Angola

12 Who else is involved? Zimbabwe (DRC’s Side)
Robert Mugabe’s Personal ambition Generals are getting rich.

13 International Response
How involved should UN and US be? Aid? Troops? When? Why has the US not acted? Same story different War Allies Rwanda and Uganda Uganda- Against Muslim Extremists Rwanda- Moral Debt

14 African World War Most of the war fought against CIVILANS!
Not a lot of traditional battles. Civilians driven from homes 4 to 5 million deaths Child soldiers utilized Most since WWII Lusaka Peace Accords: 1999 Singed by major participants Fighting continues

15 Peace Attempts Security Council
Delegation visits region April to may of 2002 Global and All-Inclusive Agreement on transition in DRC was signed. Rwanda and DRC Peace Agreement DRC accepts new Constitution. Election to be held in 2005

16 Aftermath African World War
Laurent Kabila Assassinated by Body Guards in 2001 Son takes over Joseph Kabila Elected President in 2006 First Democratically held elections Pledge to fight violence and corruption Reelected in 2011 Growing unpopular

17 Violence Continues Fighting Resumed in 2008 Rwanda orders his arrest
Laurent Nkunda took control of Eastern DRC Ethnic Tutsi Accused of being Pawn Rwanda orders his arrest Army falls apart Rise of M23

18 M23 M23 made up former soldiers of Nkunda’s rebel army
M23 an interesting Paradox Human Rights Violators But able administrators and better then the current gov’t M23 made up former soldiers of Nkunda’s rebel army Singed Peace Agreement in 2009 M23 claims demands have not been met. Seized Goma in Nov. 2012 Valuable Trade Hub

19 Chance at Peace? Feb. 2013 Neighboring Countries increase cooperation
Announced new Peace Attempt Neighboring Countries increase cooperation Decrease funding rebel groups Increase UN presence Political and government reforms.

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