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Party Ideology and Identification

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1 Party Ideology and Identification
Chapter 17 : Lesson 2 Party Ideology and Identification

2 Essential Question: What are the major differences in viewpoints between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party?

3 Political Parties Define: A group of people with broad common interests that organize to win elections and influence government. Are political parties in the Constitution?

4 Independent: a voter who does not support any particular party.

5 Polarize: to divide into opposing groups.

6 Centrist: a person whose views trend to be moderate.


8 Conservative Liberal

9 Find where you are on the political Spectrum

10 Am I a Republican or Democrat Quiz
Step 1: Type the URL below Step 2: Take the Quiz Step 3: Graph your result on the back of your Cornell Notes and screenshot your results and submit it to google classroom

11 Liberal: Believe the government should be actively involved with citizens to insure equity for all, especially in economic areas. Believe the government should preserve rights of minorities. Most Liberals belong to the Democratic Party.

12 Conservative: Believe that the government should stay out of the economy and that individuals are responsible for themselves. Believe that government should preserve traditional values and order. Most Conservatives belong to the Republican Party

13 Libertarian: Believe that individuals are economically responsible for themselves. Believe the government shouldn’t interfere with personal choice and liberty. Oppose taxation, capital punishment, anti-abortion laws, gun laws, etc. Because they hold a variety of views, many Americans share part of this philosophy. Example Gary Johnson.

14 Communitarian: Believe that society is more important than the individual. Believe that government is a means to correct wrongs and greed of individuals. Often related to Socialist or communist ideas or principles. Few Americans identify themselves with this philosophy, but many share part of this view.

15 Review Question: Chapter 17 : Lesson 2 Read pages and answer Review Questions on page 525. Hand in Google Class Room.

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