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Eng III: Voc. #10 Open and Shut.

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1 Eng III: Voc. #10 Open and Shut

2 Definitions and Sentences
Voc. #10: Day 1 – Copy Words and Definitions Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions and Sentences apocalypse (n) widespread destruction; a prophetic revelation concerning a universal cataclysm castigate (v) to punish; to criticize severely occlusion (n) something that blocks; an obstruction recluse (n) someone who lives alone and avoids company; a hermit diatribe (n) an abusive criticism or attack diametrical (adj) completely opposite; pertaining to a diameter diaspora (n) any group migration or flight from a country enclave (n) a district or group isolated or enclosed within a larger one exclude (v) deny (someone) access; remove from consideration (rule out) claustrophobia (n) extreme or irrational fear of confined places

3 Definitions and Sentences
Voc. #10 Day 2: Write original sentences for 5 of the words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions and Sentences apocalypse (n) widespread destruction; a prophetic revelation concerning a universal cataclysm castigate (v) to punish; to criticize severely occlusion (n) something that blocks; an obstruction recluse (n) someone who lives alone and avoids company; a hermit diatribe (n) an abusive criticism or attack

4 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words.
Voc. #10 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words. diametrical (adj) completely opposite; pertaining to a diameter diaspora (n) any group migration or flight from a country enclave (n) a district or group isolated or enclosed within a larger one exclude (v) deny (someone) access; remove from consideration (rule out) claustrophobia (n) extreme or irrational fear of confined places

5 Definitions and Sentences
Voc. #10: Day 4: Write 5 fill-in-the-blank sentences, and then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions and Sentences apocalypse (n) widespread destruction; a prophetic revelation concerning a universal cataclysm castigate (v) to punish; to criticize severely occlusion (n) something that blocks; an obstruction recluse (n) someone who lives alone and avoids company; a hermit diatribe (n) an abusive criticism or attack diametrical (adj) completely opposite; pertaining to a diameter diaspora (n) any group migration or flight from a country enclave (n) a district or group isolated or enclosed within a larger one exclude (v) deny (someone) access; remove from consideration (rule out) claustrophobia (n) extreme or irrational fear of confined places

6 Vocabulary #10 apocalypse castigate occlusion recluse diatribe
Day 4: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. Next, write your own analogies for the remaining 5 words. apocalypse castigate occlusion recluse diatribe diametrical diaspora enclave exclude claustrophobia *Write out the entire clue with answers for full credit---these MAY appear on a unit test later…. opportunists rushing out West : Gold Rush :: _______ : Israelites leaving Egypt (biblical times) door way : entrance :: barricade : _______ “the more, the merrier” : include :: denied admittance : _______ extrovert : “social butterfly” :: introvert : _______ arachnophobia : spiders :: _______ : small spaces Challenge: Now, write 5 analogies of your own! 

7 ENG III: Voc #11 Military Matters

8 Voc. #11: Day 1: Copy words and definitions
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions abate (v) to reduce in quantity or intensity; to diminish bellicose (adj) warlike; eager to fight belligerent (n) behaving in a hostile or aggressive manner; engaged in combat daunt (v) to intimidate; to discourage or dishearten indomitable (adj) unconquerable forte (n) (fort) a person’s strong point; the thing in which a person excels fortitude (n) courage in enduring pain or trouble carte blanche (n) (kart blansh) unrestricted power to act at one’s discretion; unconditional permission cartel (n) a coalition of political or special-interest groups to achieve a common cause pugnacious (adj) pugnacity (n) quarrelsome; eager for a fight

9 Vocabulary #11 Day 2: Write original sentences for 5 of the words.
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions abate (v) to reduce in quantity or intensity; to diminish bellicose (adj) warlike; eager to fight belligerent (n) behaving in a hostile or aggressive manner; engaged in combat daunt (v) to intimidate; to discourage or dishearten indomitable (adj) unconquerable

10 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words.
Vocabulary #11 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions forte (n) a person’s strong point; the thing in which a person excels fortitude (n) courage in enduring pain or trouble carte blanche (n) unrestricted power to act at one’s discretion; unconditional permission cartel (n) a coalition of political or special-interest groups to achieve a common cause pugnacious (adj) pugnacity (n) quarrelsome; eager for a fight

11 Voc. #11: Day 4: Write 5 fill-in-the-blank sentences, and then trade to complete.
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions abate (v) to reduce in quantity or intensity; to diminish bellicose (adj) warlike; eager to fight belligerent (n) behaving in a hostile or aggressive manner; engaged in combat daunt (v) to intimidate; to discourage or dishearten indomitable (adj) unconquerable forte (n) a person’s strong point; the thing in which a person excels fortitude (n) courage in enduring pain or trouble carte blanche (n) unrestricted power to act at one’s discretion; unconditional permission cartel (n) a coalition of political or special-interest groups to achieve a common cause pugnacious (adj) pugnacity (n) quarrelsome; eager for a fight

12 Challenge: Now, write 5 of your own!
Vocabulary #11 Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. abate bellicose belligerent daunt indomitable forte fortitude carte blanche cartel pugnacious muscles : strength :: ________ : courage good Samaritan : help :: bully :________ 3. pacifists : peaceful :: Mixed Martial Arts Fighters : _________ 4. the Panthers 10-0 : _______ :: Superman: invincible 5. exacerbate : “add fuel to the fire” :: _________ : “time heals all wounds” Challenge: Now, write 5 of your own!

13 ENG III: Vocabulary #12 Military Matters

14 Vocabulary #12 Day 1: Copy words and definitions
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions cadence (n) a rhythmic flow of sound or movement decadent (adj) declining or decaying cede (v) to yield or surrender rights or possessions intercede (v) to act on another’s behalf; to mediate in a dispute predatory (adj) plundering; exploiting or victimizing; preying on other animals depredation (n) destruction; plunder punctilious (adj) precise; attentive to details pungent (adj) having a strong, biting taste or smell compunction (n) uneasiness caused by guilt; remorse expunge (v) to omit; to delete; to obliterate

15 Day 2: Write original sentences for 5 of the words.
Vocabulary #12 Day 2: Write original sentences for 5 of the words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions cadence (n) a rhythmic flow of sound or movement decadent (adj) declining or decaying cede (v) to yield or surrender rights or possessions intercede (v) to act on another’s behalf; to mediate in a dispute predatory (adj) plundering; exploiting or victimizing; preying on other animals

16 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words.
Vocabulary #12 Day 3: Write original sentences for the remaining 5 words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions depredation (n) destruction; plunder punctilious (adj) precise; attentive to details pungent (adj) having a strong, biting taste or smell compunction (n) uneasiness caused by guilt; remorse expunge (v) to omit; to delete; to obliterate

17 a rhythmic flow of sound or movement
Voc. #12: Day 4: Write 5 fill-in-the-blank sentences, and then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions cadence (n) a rhythmic flow of sound or movement decadent (adj) declining or decaying cede (v) to yield or surrender rights or possessions intercede (v) to act on another’s behalf; to mediate in a dispute predatory (adj) plundering; exploiting or victimizing; preying on other animals depredation (n) destruction; plunder punctilious (adj) precise; attentive to details pungent (adj) having a strong, biting taste or smell compunction (n) uneasiness caused by guilt; remorse expunge (v) to omit; to delete; to obliterate

18 Challenge: Now, write 5 of your own!
Vocabulary #12 Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. cadence decadent cede intercede predator depredation punctilious pungent compunction expunge 1. coordination : fluid movement :: ________ : beat 2. flowers : fragrant:: rotting food : ________ 3. social worker : advocate :: child molester : ________ 4. “throw in the towel” : admit defeat :: foreclose on house : _______ to the bank 5. pride : conceit :: ________ : regret Challenge: Now, write 5 of your own!

19 Vocabulary #10-12 Review

20 Stump a Scholar… Looking over all your vocabulary lists (#10-12), pick 2 words from EACH lesson. Create a word bank with your 6 words. Write fill-in-the blank sentences for each word. Trade with a partner and complete each other’s challenge. Trade back to “grade” *Test Thursday

21 Working with a partner, come up with a one or two word definition and a memory trick (i.e. a rhyme or symbol) for EACH of the following words: Voc. Word 1-2 Word Definition Memory Trick apocalypse (n) diametrical (adj) castigate (v) diaspora (n) occlusion (n) enclave (n) recluse (n) exclude (v) diatribe (n) claustrophobia (n)

22 Working with a partner, come up with a one or two word definition and a memory trick (i.e. a rhyme or symbol) for EACH of the following words: Voc. Word 1-2 Word Definition Memory Trick abate (v) forte (n) bellicose (adj) fortitude (n) belligerent (n) carte blanche (n) daunt (v) cartel (n) indomitable (adj) pugnacious (adj)

23 Working with a partner, come up with a one or two word definition and a memory trick (i.e. a rhyme or symbol) for EACH of the following words: Voc. Word 1-2 Word Definition Memory Trick cadence (n) depredation (n) decadent (adj) punctilious (adj) cede (v) pungent (adj) intercede (v) compunction (n) predatory (adj) expunge (v)

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