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Objective – you should be able to answer… 1

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1 Objective – you should be able to answer… 1
Objective – you should be able to answer… 1. What was the Louisiana purchase? 2. What events lead to France selling the L. Territory? 3. Why was the purchase controversial? 4. Who were Louis & Clark? Why were they important?



4 Objective – you should be able to answer… 1
Objective – you should be able to answer… 1. What did L&C find that would spark continental conquest from those in the east? 2. Environmentally, what did Lewis & Clark actually find?

5 Make Predictions On your half sheet of paper write 2 predictions about… The weather Animals Plants/trees Landscape (ex: plains, forests, etc.)

6 As you read Circle the author Underline the date it was written Highlight examples of plants, animals, landforms & weather After reading 1. Record the findings on back of the sheet along with who recorded the finding

7 Below field findings answer each of these questions in 1-3 sentences on paper 1. How did your predictions compare to what L&C actually saw? What did you get right or wrong? 2.What did L&C find that would make people want to move to the Louisiana Territory? Explain your answer


9 War of 1812 Reading As you read underline at least 12 important EVENTS including 1. 2 events leading up to the war of 1812 (Causes) 2. British attack DC & burn down the white house 3. Star-Spangled Banner is written (include by who) 4. Treaty of Ghent 5. Result of the War of 1812 (you need to figure out why it’s important)

10 War of 1812 Timeline Requirements
-line needs to be centered on paper – paper turned horizontally -Title centered on your paper -Name upper right hand corner - 10 important events. You must include these 5 events on your timeline and chose 5 others PUT IN YOUR OWN WORDS events leading up to the war of 1812 (Causes) 2. British attack DC & burn down the white house 3. Star-Spangled Banner is written (include by who) 4. Treaty of Ghent 5. Result of the War of 1812 (you need to figure out why it’s important) No dates are needed, must go in order. Rotate events up/down You must include 5 images to represent 5 different events: Image must be located directly below or above the event.

11 Summarize Think about the causes and results of the war of 1812 and explain why was this event important? 2-3 sentences

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