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Design of a Bed Seal System for an Adsorber Vessel

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Presentation on theme: "Design of a Bed Seal System for an Adsorber Vessel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of a Bed Seal System for an Adsorber Vessel
Amy Boyce JR Daversa Ben Gatto Jake Mattern Brian Smith

2 Introduction Background Problem
Explanation of an adsorber vessel and adsorbent material Problem Discussion of material leakage issues Sources of leakage

3 The adsorber vessel and material
Air separation process Role of adsorbent material Temperature Swing Adsorption (20-170ºC)

4 Material Leakage What is happening? Why is this such a big problem?
Thermal expansion (0.14 inch difference) Adsorbent material is slipping through seal Why is this such a big problem? Reduces efficiency Requires periodic shutdown

5 Sources of Leakage Key locations What causes the gaps?
Wall-grate interface Flange-grate interface What causes the gaps? Thermal cycling Poor material choice (Brass wool) Bending

6 Our Design Ways it addresses the problem Key features

7 Ways it addresses the problem
Bending eliminated in hold down ring Seal optimized between bed support components Travel paths of beads eliminated Thermal expansion no longer contributes to leakage

8 Key features Banding of grate Overlapping hold-down ring
Even mating surface between components Change of sealant material: brass wool to PTFE

9 Testing Prototype description Testing mechanism Life-size model
Straight Section Testing mechanism Mechanical simulation Crank-rocker (0.25 inch motion) Will simulate 20 years at 6 cycles a day

10 Off-Design Performance
Extra 0.1 inch of motion in the prototype Demonstrates that a greater temperature swing would still work with this design

11 Conclusions If successful:
New design will work not only for current process but for expanded temperature range Leakage will be eliminated Shut-down times will be eliminated due to downstream absorbent material

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