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Transport Protocols for Sensor Networks

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1 Transport Protocols for Sensor Networks
Nischal M. Piratla Sangeetha L. Bangolae Tarun Banka Computer Networking Research Laboratory Colorado State University December 31, 2018

2 Motivation What is expected out of a transport protocol for sensor networks ? Reliability, congestion control, mux/demux,…… Why can’t we use the existing protocols ? Resource constraints – power, storage, computation complexity, data rates, … Are these constraints common for all sensor networks ? No, they are application specific. December 31, 2018

3 Motivation ..contd. Any application can have a union of the constraints that we know or yet to figure out Spectra for known constraints: Low data Rate High data Rate Power limited Not Power limited Storage limited Not Storage limited Bursty samples Periodic samples December 31, 2018

4 Motivation ..contd. General notion for sensor networks
Low data Rate High data Rate Power limited Not power limited Storage limited Not storage limited Sink user December 31, 2018

5 Motivation ..contd. Radar application:
Range of Transport protocols is yet to be explored ESRT, PSFQ, CODA …….……!!!!………..TRABOL High data Rate Not Power limited Not Storage limited Low data Rate High data Rate Power limited Not Power limited Storage limited Not storage limited December 31, 2018

6 Event-to-Sink Reliable Transport (ESRT) for Wireless Sensor Networks
Salient Features: Event-to-sink reliability Self-configuration Energy awareness [low power consumption requirement!] Congestion Control Variation in complexity at source and sink. [computation complexity] S December 31, 2018

7 ESRT’s Definition of Reliability
Reliability is measured in terms of the number of packets received. Or reporting frequency i.e., number of packets/decision interval. Observed reliability: number of received data packets in decision interval at the sink. Desired reliability: number of packets required for reliable event detection. Normalized reliability = observed/desired. December 31, 2018

8 ESRT operation December 31, 2018

9 Algorithm for ESRT If congestion and low reliability: decrease reporting frequency aggressively. (exponential decrease) If congestion and high reliability: decrease reporting to relieve congestion. No compromise on reliability (multiplicative increase) If no congestion and low reliability: increase reporting frequency aggressively (multiplicative increase) If no congestion and high reliability: decrease reporting slowing (half the slope) December 31, 2018

10 Components of ESRT In sink: In source:
Normalized reliability computation A congestion detection mechanism In source: Listen to sink broadcast Overhead free local congestion detection mechanism E.g., buffer level monitoring, CN – Congestion Notification December 31, 2018

11 Analytical Results Analytical results (intuitive yet useful) .. We will skip this slide Starting from no congestion, high reliability and with linear reliability behavior when the network is not congested, the network state remains unchanged until ESRT converges Starting from no congestion, high reliability, and with linear reliability behavior when the network is congested, ESRT converges to optimum operating range in t[log2((-1)/)] With linear reliability behavior when the network is not congested, the network state transition from congestion, high reliability to no congestion, low reliability. December 31, 2018

12 Performance Results (based on simulations) please refer to the paper for graphs .. They may not be legible here Starting with no congestion and low reliability: December 31, 2018

13 Performance Results contd… (based on simulations)
Starting with no congestion and high reliability: December 31, 2018

14 Performance Results contd… (based on simulations) please refer to the paper for graphs
Starting with congestion and high reliability: December 31, 2018

15 Performance Results contd… (based on simulations) please refer to the paper for graphs
Starting with congestion and low reliability: December 31, 2018

16 Performance Results contd… (based on simulations) please refer to the paper for graphs
Average power consumption while starting with no congestion and high reliability: December 31, 2018

17 We will now move to TRABOL.
Challenges with ESRT Multiple concurrent events. Congestion may be due to all sensor nodes. Can there be a better way to slow down the nodes causing the congestion ? Buffer occupancy and congestion. We will now move to TRABOL. December 31, 2018

18 Gigabit Networking: Digitized Radar Data Transfer and Beyond Sangeetha L.Bangolae, Anura P. Jayasumana, V. Chandrasekar Sangeetha L. Bangolae (Sang) Computer Networking Research Lab Colorado State University December 31, 2018

19 Motivation Present a new class of high-bandwidth (64 – 384 Mbps) application – VCHILL radar Discuss the transport protocols to satisfy real-time radar data transfer over high-speed links Congestion Control to be TCP-friendly * VCHILL – Virtual CHILL December 31, 2018

20 Gigabit Networking Applications
Digital Earth Bio-medical Tele Immersion NASA Virtual MechanoSynthesis Digital Sky VCHILL December 31, 2018

21 VCHILL Radar Application
AIM Transfer and Display of Digitized Radar Signals in real-time over the NGI (Next Generation Internet) Remote Control of the radar Data gathering process Remote control – controlling the scan rate, pulsing schemes, polarization operation December 31, 2018

22 VCHILL Radar Application
CHARACTERISTICS High-bandwidth requirement for best operation; A high responsiveness to available bandwidth. Satisfactory operation with a minimum bandwidth threshold possible; Yet increase in bandwidth provides a better display image. Tolerance to losses and end-to-end delay high, compared to audio and video streaming media. Smoothness (delay jitter) not critical for proper functioning. December 31, 2018

23 CSU-CHILL Doppler Radar
11 cm wavelength Dual-polarization Radar 1.5m parabolic antenna, kW power, dual transmitter and receiver, PRT range – ms, pulse width – us BW – 10 MHz December 31, 2018

24 Current Status Remote Client Shared Memory Digitized Radar Signal Internet TCP Server Multicast RDP(TRABOL) Processing Display End User Application High Speed Link 400/800 Mbps Real-time video Display: PPI/RHI (Plan Position Indicator/Range Height Indicator) End stations: Sun Solaris based Signal Processing: DSP Software based December 31, 2018

25 Radar Data Format One Ray of DRS Data Each Sample size: 16000 bytes
1st Sample 2nd Sample 3rd Sample 4st Sample Gate VVI(1)VVQ(1) VVI(2)VVQ(2) VVI(3)VVQ(3) VVI(4)VVQ(4) HHI(1)VVQ(1) HHI(2)VVQ(2) HHI(3)HHQ(3) HHI(4)HHQ(4) Gate VVI(1)VVQ(1) VVI(2)VVQ(2) VVI(3)VVQ(3) VVI(4)VVQ(4) HHI(1)VVQ(1) HHI(2)VVQ(2) HHI(3)HHQ(3) HHI(4)HHQ(4) Gate VVI(1)VVQ(1) VVI(2)VVQ(2) VVI(3)VVQ(3) VVI(4)VVQ(4) HHI(1)VVQ(1) HHI(2)VVQ(2) HHI(3)HHQ(3) HHI(4)HHQ(4) | | | | Gate VVI(1)VVQ(1) VVI(2)VVQ(2) VVI(3)VVQ(3) VVI(4)VVQ(4) HHI(1)VVQ(1) HHI(2)VVQ(2) HHI(3)HHQ(3) HHI(4)HHQ(4) Each Sample size: bytes December 31, 2018

26 Radar Parameter Display Image
UDP-based (RDP) DRS Transfer with no losses * RDP: Radar Data transfer Protocol December 31, 2018

27 Radar Parameter Display Image
UDP-based (RDP) DRS Transfer with 90% losses December 31, 2018

28 Transport protocols and Congestion Control
VCHILL Application TCP – too conservative, not suitable for real-time UDP – Suitable for real-time, but No congestion control, flow control Require a transport protocol for real-time data transfer - With Congestion control! December 31, 2018

29 VCHILL UDP-based DRS Transfer Architecture
Feedback Sender Manager Data Transmission Reception Parameter Estimation DISPLAY DRS Client 64 384 Mbps Radar NGI/I2 DRS Server Acquisition D ata Control Application Layer Transport Layer (UDP) Congestion December 31, 2018

30 TRABOL: TCP-friendly Rate Adaptation Based On Loss
Source-based Rate Control based on AIMD If (Congestion) Decrease sending rate to MIN_RATE If (No Congestion) Increase sending rate towards TARGET_RATE in steps Congestion policies based on feedback from receiver December 31, 2018

31 Feedback Mechanism December 31, 2018

32 Performance Evaluation
Sending rate (Mbps) and Loss rate (%) for Radar Application without rate control Datagram size = 32 KB December 31, 2018

33 Performance Evaluation (contd…)
Sending rate (Mbps) and Loss rate (%) for Radar Application with memory-based TRABOL December 31, 2018

34 Summary VCHILL as a NGI application Current Status of the Project
Transport protocols for the application UDP-based Radar data transfer protocol Need for congestion Control TRABOL and Performance Evaluation December 31, 2018

35 Thank you Questions! December 31, 2018

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