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Statistics Experimental Design

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1 Statistics Experimental Design


3 What is an experiment? a controlled study
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN IN-CLASS PROBLEM What is an experiment? a controlled study

4 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN IN-CLASS PROBLEM What is an experiment? a controlled study goal: to determine the effect of factors on the results

5 Design of Experiments Factors: explanatory variables that have an effect on the experimental results

6 Design of Experiments Experimental unit: a member of the sample “subject”

7 Design of Experiments Control groups – untreated subjects let you compare “treated” vs “untreated” subjects

8 Design of Experiments Placebo – often used in drug studies counteracts the “I’m taking something so I’ll get better” psychological effect

9 Design of Experiments Steps: Identify the problem Determine factors affecting the result Determine the sample size Control or randomize factor levels Conduct the experiment Test the claim

10 Design of Experiments Types of Experiments: completely randomized sample members are randomly assigned to treatments

11 Design of Experiments Blinding: single blind – the subject does not know the treatment double blind – neither the subject nor the researcher knows the

12 Design of Experiments Types of experiments: matched pairs members of the sample are paired when assigned to treatments

13 Design of Experiments Examples: before/after twins litter mates spouses same location same time

14 Questions?

15 Experimental Design How to design a research study

16 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study:

17 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study: 1. Identify the population and variables of interest

18 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study: 2. Develop a detailed plan for collecting data

19 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study:
3. Collect the data using any of the following methods: i. Doing an observational study ii. Performing an experiment iii. Using a simulation iv. Using a survey

20 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study: 4. Graph your data (or the statistics demons will get you…) Thanks to Jonathan Bellamy for the stupendous Stat Demon drawing !

21 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study: 5. Interpret the data and draw conclusions about the population

22 Experimental Design Guidelines for designing a study: 6. Identify any possible errors

23 Mr Pólya’s Method: Understand the problem 2) Plan! 3) Do it!
Experimental Design IN-CLASS PROBLEM Mr Pólya’s Method: Understand the problem 2) Plan! 3) Do it! 4) Look back George Pólya

24 Questions?

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